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What Soundbar is Compatible with My Dell Monitor

Samenvatting: This article provides information about the soundbars that are compatible with Dell monitors.

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A soundbar is an audio accessory that can be mounted to a compatible Dell monitor.

Each Dell soundbar is compatible with a specific series of Dell monitors. Dell has five soundbars that are available for Dell monitors based on the type of display and the manufacture date.

Dell monitors with integrated speakers do not have the required slots or connections available to connect a soundbar.

Use the General Information and Usage Guides links below to find out which soundbar fits on which Dell monitor. The soundbars are listed in a oldest to newer, top down order.

AX510 and AX510PA

AC511 and AC511M

AE515 and AE515M



NOTE: Dell has not tested or verified if the soundbars work with non-Dell monitors. Dell cannot guarantee their compatibility.

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Getroffen producten

Dell AX510/AX510 PA Stereo Soundbar Speaker System, Dell Pro Stereo Soundbar - AE515M, Dell Slim Soundbar - SB521A, Dell Slim Conferencing Soundbar - SB522A, Dell Professional Sound Bar AE515, Dell Stereo Soundbar - AC511M, Dell USB Soundbar AC511
Artikelnummer: 000061530
Artikeltype: How To
Laatst aangepast: 18 apr. 2024
Versie:  9
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