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PowerScale: So führen Sie das Clusteranalysetool IOCA aus

Samenvatting: Weisungen zur Verwendung des Isilon On-Cluster Analysis-Tools (IOCA) und zur Interpretation der Ergebnisse.

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Das Tool Isilon On-Cluster Analysis (IOCA) analysiert die Integrität eines PowerScale-Clusters im Betrieb und unterstützt* bei der Planung von Upgrades.

* IOCA dient nicht dazu, die Überprüfung der Upgrade-bezogenen Dokumente zur Vorbereitung auf Upgradeaktivitäten zu ersetzen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im OneFS-Planungs- und -Verfahrensleitfaden für Upgrades:

Ein Einführungsvideo ist unten verfügbar. Stellen Sie immer sicher, dass Sie die neueste Version verwenden, wenn Sie sie auf einem Cluster ausführen.
HINWEIS: Auf die verfügbaren „Filter“ in diesem Video kann unten auch als „Argumente“ oder „Filter“ verwiesen werden.

Die neueste Version des IOCA-Tools kann von Lightning heruntergeladen werden.
HINWEIS: Die neueste Version wird heruntergeladen, obwohl das Datum auf dem Download älter ist.
HINWEIS: Nach dem Herunterladen und Übertragen auf Ihr Cluster müssen Sie IOCA und IOCA.sha256 entpacken. Verwenden Sie dazu
tar -zxvf IOCA.tar

So führen Sie IOCA auf einem Cluster aus:

  1. Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie mit dem richtigen Cluster verbunden sind. Führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus, um die Seriennummern im Cluster anzuzeigen, und überprüfen Sie, ob die Seriennummer für den Service-Request in der Liste angezeigt wird:
isi_for_array cat /etc/isilon_serial_number
  1. Erstellen Sie das Verzeichnis /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/, wenn es nicht bereits vorhanden ist, und wechseln Sie in das Verzeichnis, indem Sie die folgenden Befehle ausführen:
mkdir -pv /ifs/data/Isilon_Support

cd /ifs/data/Isilon_Support
  1. Stellen Sie die neueste Version von IOCA auf dem Cluster im Verzeichnis /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/ bereit:

  • Wenn eine frühere Version vorhanden ist, überprüfen Sie, ob es sich um die neueste Version handelt, indem Sie den folgenden Befehl ausführen, und vergleichen Sie sie mit der Version, die zum Download verfügbar ist. Die Version wird oben im Skript für die Integritätsprüfung aufgeführt.
perl IOCA -v
Führen Sie das IOCA-Tool aus und fügen Sie zusätzliche Argumente hinzu. Im folgenden Beispiel umfasst die Prüfung vor dem Upgrade Prüfungen für ein Upgrade auf und zeigt nach den Ergebnissen der Integritätsprüfung eine Empfehlung für einen Upgradeplan an:
perl IOCA -u
  1. Erfassen Sie die Ausgabe und laden Sie sie in den Service-Request hoch.
  2. Überprüfen Sie die Integritätsprüfungen auf alle identifizierten „FAIL“- oder „WARN“-Meldungen zu potenziellen Problemen.

Interpretation der IOCA-Ausgabe: 

Jedem Integritätsprüfungselement, für das ein Problem identifiziert wurde, ist in der Regel ein Wissensdatenbank-Artikel (KB) zugeordnet. Dieses Tool war ursprünglich ein rein internes Tool, einige der darin enthaltenen Artikel sind noch nicht extern zugänglich. Es wird daran gearbeitet, die genannten Artikel einem externen Publikum zugänglich zu machen.

Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Beispielausgabe für einen Fehler bei der BMC- oder CMC-Hardwareüberwachung auf einem Cluster:
BMC/CMC Hardware Monitoring                       FAIL
  FAIL: Hardware monitoring issues detected on nodes: 2
  INFO: 3 nodes have out of date CMC firmware versions: 1-3
  INFO: Refer to KB489050 ( for details.

In diesem Beispiel wird ein „FAIL“ für Node 2 angezeigt, da dieser Hardwareüberwachungsprobleme aufweist. Die „INFO“ zeigt, dass die CMC-Firmwareversionen auf Nodes 1-3 veraltet sind. Abschließend enthält die Ausgabe einen Wissensdatenbank-Artikel mit Lösungsschritten. 


IOCA wird auf Clustern mit aktiviertem Compliance-Modus auf dieselbe Art und Weise wie auf Cluster ohne Compliance-Modus ausgeführt. Es besteht keine Notwendigkeit, es mit sudo auszuführen. Das Nutzerkonto compadmin muss jedoch der Eigentümer des IOCA-Skripts sein, um es ausführen zu können.

Im Folgenden finden Sie die Verwendung von IOCA und verfügbare Argumente oder Filter:

Usage: IOCA [options] [destination OneFS version]
    -d, --debug       Display debugging information
    -e, --extra       Displays extra details as part of each check
    -j, --json        Displays output in JSON format
    -v, --version     Displays current script version
    -h, --help        Displays this help screen
    -r <checkName>, --run=<checkName>
        Executes only the specified check, can be included multiple times
    -u, --upgradeplan Includes an upgrade plan after health checks
    --rolling         Provide rolling reboot plans
    --parallel        Provide parallel reboot plans [where supported]
    --simultaneous    Provide simultaneous reboot plans [excludes node firmware]
    -o, --onefs
        Supports the following comma separated options [ex. 8.1.2,simultaneous]:
            <version>       Uses the provided destination OneFS version
            simultaneous    Simultaneous OneFS upgrade
            parallel        Parallel OneFS upgrade [requires 8.2.2+]
            rolling         Rolling OneFS upgrade
            exclude-nf      Upgrade plans will combine OneFS + node firmware by
                            default [9.2 feature], this option disables that
    -p, --patches
        Supports the following comma separated options [ex. none,simultaneous]:
            none            Opt out of patch recommendations
            simultaneous    Simultaneous patch installs
            parallel        Parallel patch installs [requires 9.1+]
            rolling         Rolling patch installs
    -nf, --node-firmware
        Supports the following comma separated options [ex. 10.3.3,parallel]:
            <version>       Uses the provided version for node firmware checks
            none            Opt out of node firmware recommendations
            simultaneous    Simultaneous node firmware updates [requires 8.2+]
            parallel        Parallel node firmware updates [requires 8.2+]
            rolling         Rolling node firmware updates
    -df, --drive-firmware
        Supports the following comma separated options [ex. 1.32]:
            <version>       Uses the provided version for drive firmware checks
            none            Opt out of drive firmware recommendations
    -vf, --verify-files
        Runs checks on files within specified location [ex. /ifs/data/] of certain file type [ex. .isi, .tgz, .tar.gz, .tar]
        <file location>     default location is /ifs/data/ - specify the location where the upgrade files were placed

Extra informatie

Tabelle der einzelnen Prüfungen und der Name, der beim Ausführen des Befehls verwendet wird:
HINWEIS: Das IOCA-Skript wird häufig aktualisiert. Wenn Sie eine neue vollständige Liste der Prüfungen anzeigen möchten, aktualisieren Sie auf dem Isilon-Cluster auf die neueste IOCA-Version und führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus, um eine vollständige Liste zu erhalten.
onefs94-a-1# perl IOCA --run=CHECK

Isilon On-Cluster Analysis                        0.1541

Requested checks, check, was not recognized.
Available checks are:
        checkA100Root                 Checks if A100 node root mirrors need to be resized to 2GB
        checkAPIAuth                  checks for API auth set to basic where upgrading from to 9.2 or higher
        checkAccessZones              Checks if multiple access zones are configured for upgrades across 7.1.1. Checks for nested or overlapping SMB shares. Adds warnings when any non-System access zone pools are found, only applies for upgrades across OneFS 7.1.1
        checkAggregationMode          Checks that the aggregation mode is not Legacy FEC mode for upgrades to OneFS 8+
        checkAspera                   Checks if any aspera services are enabled. If performing OneFS upgrades it must be reinstalled post-upgrade
        checkAuthStatus               Checks authentication status on each node. Warns if any authentication providers are not online or active.  Checks for RFC2307 and Auto-locate of GID/UIDs and points to KB 000028577
        checkBBUDegCap                Checks for the level of BBU degradation on Gen6 nodes and flags any nodes with excessive degradation which would increase the risk of the node going into an RO state.
        checkBMCandCMC                Checks for BMC/CMC related issues
        checkBXENodes                 Checks for existence of nodes with BXE interfaces, also checks for KB 000048172 & KB 000064027 known issues
        checkBootDisks                Checks boot disk wear life remaining, firmware level, and historic error count
        checkCM6FWBug                 Checks drive firmware versions for the criteria of FCO F022318EE
        checkCMOSTimeCentury          Check if the century configured in CMOS time matches the current century
        checkCapacity                 Verifies cluster capacity based on documented numbers the Upgrade Planning and Progress Guide. Warns if approaching
        checkCloudPools               Checks for CloudPools related issues
        checkConfCmtSyntax            Checks sysctl.conf for comments without leading # symbol that would pose an issue in parsing conf file.
        checkContact                  Displays contact information configured in CELog when run with the --extra argument
        checkCoreDumps                Checks for recent unexpected process restarts reported in /var/log/messages
        checkDTA000194434             Checks for criteria of KB 000194434
        checkDestinationOneFS         Checks destination OneFS version
        checkDiskpools                Checks diskpools and class equivalence for OneFS upgrades going across 7.0
        checkDriveFirmware            Checks for out of date Drive Firmware and calls other related drive firmware checks
        checkDriveLoad                Checks the current load on the drives
        checkDriveStallTimeout        Checks current Drive Stall Timeout setting, recommend value is 3.5 seconds (3500000 microseconds) or higher
        checkDriveSupportPackage      Checks for drive firmware updates available in the Drive Support Package
        checkDrivesHealth             Checks health of drives and the drive stall timeout setting in sysctl
        checkET004252                 Checks for criteria of ET004252
        checkETAs                     Checks for Technical Advisories
        checkEmailSettings            Displays E-mail settings configured in CELog when run with the --extra argument
        checkEncoding                 Checks exports and cluster configuration for if utf-8/default encoding
        checkEvents                   Checks events on all the nodes, failure if any critical events exist
        checkFCOF022318EE             Checks drive firmware versions for the criteria of FCO F022318EE
        checkFCOF031617FC             Checks drive firmware versions for the criteria of KB 000024620
        checkFCOF042415EE             Checks the cluster to see if it meets criteria for FCO F042415EE/KB 000051631
        checkFileSharing              Checks if Atime is enabled
        checkFilepoolPolicies         Checks GNA requirements and checks filepools for final match being set and names starting with a number
        checkFirmwarePackages         In OneFS 9.1 and later, confirms firmware packages are available
        checkFlush                    Checks for running flush processes / active pre_flush screen sessions on clusters
        checkGatewayPriority          Checks for subnets with duplicate gateway priorities
        checkGroups                   Checks nodes for all enabled protocols.  Fails if group info is reporting that an enabled protocol is not functioning on any node
        checkHDFS                     Display HDFS details, only useful when run with --extra
        checkHardening                Checks if FIPS is enabled on node in the cluster, this needs to be disabled prior to upgrades to 9.5 or higher and re enabled after to avoid assessment failures
        checkHardwareStatus           Checks battery health, power supplies, and gathers hardware details for use elsewhere
        checkHardwareUpgrade          Checks if there is an in progress hardware upgrade
        checkHealth                   Verifies cluster health status and node health status
        checkIBInterfaces             Checks for ib0/1 as being active, checks for ETA180317 IB switch firmware versions, and checks for overlapping IB networks
        checkIBPCIeSlot               Checks if the InfiniBand card is installed in the wrong slot which may lead node start up issues during an upgrade to OneFS 9 and later releases
        checkIDI                      Checks for IDI errors in the past 90 days
        checkISCSI                    Checks for iSCSI LUNs being configured in /ifs/.ifsvar/iscsi/iscsi.conf (OneFS prior to 8.x only)
        checkIndexSnapshotCurrent     Checks for current snapshots that are over 2 weeks old and may contirbute to capacity issues
        checkInternalPing             Checks internal network by performing network ping operations
        checkJobHistory               Checks job history for issues, currently just MediaScan issues
        checkJobStatus                Checks for running jobs that would impact an upgrade
        checkJobs                     Checks jobs
        checkKB000066019              Checks size of reports.db and flags if over 100MB which may lead to issues outlined on KB 000066019
        checkKB000081658              Checks for criteria of KB 000081658
        checkKB000181818              Checks for criteria of KB 000181818
        checkKB000192800              Checks for critera of KB 000192800
        checkKB000196175              Checks for criteria of KB 000196175
        checkKB000196762              Checks for criteria of KB 000196762
        checkKB000197850              Checks for issues with IB queue pairs that would lead to node reboot issues if IB queue pairs are in a degraded state
        checkKB000212387              Checks Authentication providers msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes attribute to ensure a value is set and assigned, if it is not, there is potential for DU after an upgrade to 9.5 or above.
        checkKB000213188              Checks for SED hardware where current version is less than 9.2 and destination version is 9.5 or higher.
        checkKB201488                 Checks if any node meets criteria for KB 000201488
        checkKB201666                 Checks if it is necessary to perform the proactive workaround from KB 000201666 for a patch installation and whether the pre-requisites are met
        checkKB201933                 Checks for criteria of KB 000201933
        checkKB203381                 Checks for criteria of KB 203381
        checkKB220014                 Checks for criteria of KB 220014
        checkKB462202                 Checks BootOrder in bios_settings.ini on Generation 5 nodes to determine if at risk for KB 000025523
        checkKB489473                 Checks if any node meets criteria for KB 000061983
        checkKB490849                 Checks if at risk for KB 000052089
        checkKB496582                 Checks for auth rules issues detailed in KB 000160596
        checkKB496993                 Checks if the cluster is at risk for KB 000061504
        checkKB501267                 Checks for the criteria of KB 000026510
        checkKB507031                 Checks for criteria outlined in KB 000035398
        checkKB516613                 Checks if any node meets criteria for KB 000057267
        checkKB519119                 Checks if nodes may be impacted by KB 519119
        checkKB519388                 Pre-upgrade check for issues outlined in KB 000162270
        checkKB519423                 Checks if the cluster config files are in a mixed mode
        checkKB519890                 Checks for a known issue with LAGG interfaces in LACP mode when running OneFS,,, and
        checkKB521778                 Checks for criteria outlined in KB 000031948
        checkKB521890                 Checks for criteria outlined in KB 000167681
        checkKB524082                 Checks if the cluster is enabled for HTTP clients and flags a compatibility issue caused by a change in Apache versions
        checkKB527312                 Check for criteria of KB 000166965
        checkKB530050                 Check for criteria of KB 000040987
        checkKB533516                 Checks if cluster uses an IP for AWS CloudPool accounts putting it at risk for DTA 533516
        checkKB535582                 Checks if at risk for KB 000060471
        checkKB537785                 Check for criteria of KB 000168829
        checkKB540000                 Checks for criteria of KB 000058599
        checkKB540071                 Checks for existence of files under /var/fw/fwpkg when no IsiFw package is installed
        checkKB540513                 Checks for criteria of KB 000174074
        checkKB540872                 Checks if the cluster may encounter KB 000170982 during an upgrade from OneFS 8.2 releases
        checkKB540901                 Checks boot disk partitions for any mismatches in uuids which may lead to boot failures
        checkKB544401                 Check for critera of KB 000173157
        checkKB544854                 Check for criteria of KB 000173432
        checkKB546604                 Checks for criteria of KB 000180866
        checkKerberos8000             Checks for an issue with the Kerberos configuration file when upgrading to OneFS
        checkLACPSFP                  Checks for LACP on cxgb interfaces for KB 000174095
        checkLWIODLog                 Checks /var/log/lwiod.log for known errors occuring in the last 30 days
        checkLastZoneID8000           Checks for gaps in access zones that may cause major issues when upgrading to OneFS
        checkLeakFreeBlocks           Checks for nodes with efs\.lbm\.leak_freed_blocks enabled.
        checkLegacyLDAP               Checks for Legacy LDAP being enabled in OneFS 6 to OneFS 7 upgrades
        checkLicense                  Checks licenses and gives direction based on licensed features.  InsigntIQ and vCenter licenses, gives information from compatibility guide.  iSCSI, instructs to only perform simultaneous OneFS upgrades and that it is not supported in 8.0
        checkLinMasterPadding         Checks the LIN master padding to be all zeros
        checkListenQueue              Checks for listen queue overflows to be less than 50,000 per node
        checkLogLevel                 Checks LWSM log levels for NFS, SMB, HDFS, and Authentication
        checkLogs                     Checks Log file presence and flags if any log file specified in list is not present
        checkMaintenanceMode          Checks if the cluster is currently in maintenance mode
        checkMemory                   Checks each DIMM to meet criteria outlined in KB 000041666 and if the expected (per product info line) matches closely the reported RAM
        checkMessagesLog              Checks /var/log/messages.log for known errors occuring in the last 30 days
        checkMirrors                  Checks the boot mirror health
        checkNDMP                     Checks for running NDMP sessions
        checkNDMP16GB                 Checks for LNN changes that have occurred since the isi_ndmp_d processes started which can cause issues during the HookDataMigrationUpgrade phase of an OneFS upgrade
        checkNDMPUpgradeTimeout       Checks for LNN changes that have occurred since the isi_ndmp_d processes started which can cause issues during the HookDataMigrationUpgrade phase of an OneFS upgrade
        checkNFS                      Uses nfsstat to identify RPC errors
        checkNetBIOS                  Checks if the Isilon NetBIOS Name Service (nbns) is enabled when updating to OneFS 8.0.1 and later
        checkNetstat                  Checks connections counts for specific protocols via netstat
        checkNetworkParallelUpgrade   Checks for the risk of inaccessible network pools during a parallel upgrade
        checkNetworkPoolIFaces        Checks each network pool and their assigned interfaces, if only 1 interface is configured for any pool and IP Ranges are set, this will cause a failure for pre upgrade mandatory checks
        checkNodeCompatibility        Checks node compatibility for OneFS upgrades by comparing it against known supported versions
        checkNodeFirmware             Checks node firmware for updates
        checkNodesInstalled           Checks for nodes installed to display in an agregated list for visibility
        checkOneFSVersions            Checks running version and target version for any issues. Failure: Any version mismatch across all nodes
        checkOpenFiles                Checks each node for the number of open files [sysctl kern.openfiles] and compares that against the number of max open files [sysctl kern.maxfiles].  The check will warn at over 80% of the max and fail at over 90% of the max
        checkPSCALE136276             Check for criteria of PSCALE-136276
        checkPartitions               Checks system partition space
        checkPatches                  Checks for highly recommended patches, on the current version if no target version, or for the target version
        checkPerformance              Checks cluster performance
        checkProcesses                Checks for OpenSM master, MCP, isi_mca_dump, and isi_upgrade_d process related issues
        checkProtectionLevel          Check storage pools protection levels
        checkRealACL                  Checks if Real ACLs are configured / set on /ifs/.ifsvar or ifs/.ifsvar/patch. These should not be set and if they are, it would cause an issue for upgrades / installs
        checkRemoteSupport            Checks is Restricted Shell is enabled and isi_supportassist, if both are enabled and you upgrade to 9.7 then it will cause an issue for support assist services to restart.
        checkRoutingTables            Displays routing table for each node
        checkSBR8000                  Checks if SBR is enabled pre-upgrade for OneFS upgrades targeting
        checkSNMPDConfig              Checks both SNMPD.config and also isilon_serial_number to make sure they are not 0 bytes
        checkSPNs                     Displays a list of SPNs, only useful when run with --extra
        checkSRS                      Checks the remote connectivity configuration for issues
        checkSSHDConfig               Checks the /etc/mcp/templates/sshd_config files for known issues
        checkSWIFTAccounts            checks for SWIFT accounts which is then used to set prioirity of flag when SWIFT is licensed and an upgrade to 9.5 or higher is being performed
        checkServices                 Checks common services to make sure they are in the expected states
        checkServicesMonitoring       Checks that enabled services are being monitored
        checkSmartConnect             Check that the SmartConnect Service IPs are all assigned and not being used for client connectivity
        checkSnapshot                 Checks if the Snapshot count is approaching cluster limit of 20,000, whether Autodelete is set to yes, and checks snapshot logs. Checks snapshot logs for EIN/EIO/EDEADLK/Failed to create snapshot
        checkStaticRouteConflict      Checks for conflicting static routes
        checkStoragePools             Check storage pools for health/capacity/unprovisioned drive issues
        checkSupportability           Checks cluster hardware and software supportability
        checkSwitchCompatibility      Checks backend Dell switches to confirm they are at least version
        checkSymLink                  Checks is /var/patch/catalog or /var/patch/tmp are Sym Linked or if catalog is a file instead of directory.
        checkSyncIQ                   Gathers source and target SyncIQ information and reports partners of SyncIQ. Checks for an issue where having a large number of SyncIQ report files causes a tar process to delay other upgrade processes potentially leaving the cluster in a temporary DU scenario for an extended period of time
        checkSystemFlag               checks for diskpools with system flag set
        checkTimeDrift                Checks time drift between nodes
        checkTimeSync                 Checks if the cluster is enabled to sync to an external server
        checkTimeZone                 Checks for missing time zone in target OneFS code level
        checkUIDGID                   Checks for UID/GID values greater than 262143 for files located in / and /var
        checkUpgrade                  Checks for in progress upgrade related issues. Warns if the isi_upgrade_d service is enabled. Fails if not in a committed state. Fails if an upgrade activity is already in progress.Checks the fs_fmt_version, an odd or zero fs_fmt_version is problematic
        checkUpgradeAgentPort         Checks the port used by the isi_upgrade_agent_d daemon to ensure it is not in use by other processes
        checkUpgradePath              Checks where multiple jumps are required and provides specifics required
        checkUptime                   Checks node uptime, warning over 200 days, flags uptime ETAs
        checkVaultCard                Checks for the presence of the M.2 vault card in Generation 6 nodes and confirms SMART status threshold has not been exceeded on that device
        checkZoneLocalAuth            For upgrades to OneFS 8.2 and later, checks if local providers are associated with other access zones

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Getroffen producten

PowerScale, Isilon, PowerScale OneFS, PowerScale F210, PowerScale F710


Artikelnummer: 000021811
Artikeltype: How To
Laatst aangepast: 05 sep. 2024
Versie:  23
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