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Dell Latitude 3189 Keyboard Guide

Samenvatting: The following guide lists the keyboard shortcuts available and the functions they perform on the Dell Latitude 3189.

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Keyboard Shortcut Key Functions


The below table is a list of combination short-cut key functions available on the Latitude 3189 Keyboard

3189 Keyboard View


Function key combo Result
Fn+ ESC Fn toggle
Fn+ F1 Speaker mute
Fn+ F2 Volume Down
Fn+ F3 Volume Up
Fn+ F4 Mic. mute
Fn+ F5 Num lock
Fn+ F6 Scroll lock
Fn+ F8 Display toggle
Fn+ F9 Search
Fn+ F10 Increase Keyboard Backlight Brightness
Fn+ F11 Brightness Up
Fn+ F12 Brightness Down
Fn+ PrntScrn Toggle Wireless
Fn+ Insert Sleep
Fn+ up cursor End
Fn+ down cursor Home
Fn+ Right Hand Ctrl Key Right Click Menu



Getroffen product

Latitude 3189

Datum laatst gepubliceerd

31 okt. 2022



