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Cancelling Printing in Windows 10

Samenvatting: Instructions on how to stop a print request in Windows 10

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This article provides information on How to Cancel Printing a Individual Document or All Documents.

Table of Contents:

  1. Cancel Printing an Individual Document
  2. Cancel All Printing

1. Cancel Printing an Individual Document

  1. From the Windows home secton (Windows icon, bottom left of the screen) click and type Devices and Printers.
  2. Touch or click Devices and Printers (Control panel).
  3. Touch and hold or right-click your printer's icon.
  4. Touch or click See What's Printing.
  5. Touch or click the document you are trying to stop printing.
  6. Touch or click Document
  7. Touch or click Cancel.
  8. Touch or click Yes to confirm.
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2. Cancel All Printing

  1. From the Windows home secton (Windows icon, bottom left of the screen) click and type  Devices and Printers.
  2. Touch or click Devices and Printers (Control panel).
  3. Touch and hold or right-click your printer's icon.
  4. Touch or click See What's Printing.
  5. Touch or click Printer
  6. Touch or click Cancel All Documents.
  7. Touch or click Yes to confirm.
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Artikelnummer: 000136190
Artikeltype: Solution
Laatst aangepast: 10 apr. 2021
Versie:  3
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