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Loading Ubuntu on Systems Using PCIe M2 Drives

Samenvatting: Steps for installing Ubuntu on PCIe M2 hard drives.

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This article provides information about how to install Ubuntu on systems using PCIe M2 drives.

Hard Drive Not Seen

When booting to the Ubuntu 14.04 / 15.04 media on a system that only has a PCIe based m2 drive. You may see that the Installer cannot locate a hard drive (the installer only looks for /dev/sdx by default) (Figure 1).
Figure 1


Note: Users should go to the system BIOS (F2 on boot up) and change the SATA setting to AHCI. Should the drive still not be seen after this change. Users should then follow the instructions below.

Add the following kernel argument at boot time:

  • Press F12 when you see the keyboard prompt (Figure 2):
    Figure 2
  • Press Enter to select Language
  • Press F6
  • Press Esc
  • Modify the boot option to add "nvme_load=YES" and remove "quiet splash ---"
    Before (Figure 3):
    Figure 3

    After (Figure 4):
    Figure 4

    Press Enter.

The NVME drive is now available in the installer (Figure 5):
Figure 5

  • Controller: Nvme0
  • Port: N1
  • Partition: Px

More Information about Ubuntu

If you have further questions about this article, contact Dell Technical Support.

Extra informatie

Artikelnummer: 000131901
Artikeltype: How To
Laatst aangepast: 04 jan. 2024
Versie:  5
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