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Data Domain: How to gather TSR logs on PowerProtect DD3300, DD6900, DD9400, DD9900, and DP4400

Samenvatting: This article explains the steps to generate a TSR log (also known as SupportAssist) bundle on PowerProtect Data Domain or DP4400 systems utilizing iDRAC9 on the PowerEdge 14G platform. These logs are used by Support to troubleshoot and analyze a variety of system related issues. ...

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Applies to:

  • All Data Protection Appliances utilizing the Dell PowerEdge Platform:
    • PowerProtect DD3300
    • DD6900
    • DD9400
    • DD9900
    • DP4400
  • Dell PowerEdge Gen 13 and Gen 14 servers.

This article details the basic steps to generate a TSR log bundle (also known as SupportAssist) for PowerProtect systems based on Dell PowerEdge 14G servers.

The Technical Support Report (TSR) is a collection of logs for the Dell Server platform gathered from the iDRAC interface (To Configure iDRAC, see Installation Guide for relevant product on

These logs are used by Support to troubleshoot a variety of issues.


  1. Log in to iDRAC (Internet Browser connected to iDRAC IP display login screen of iDRAC UI).
  2. Navigate to the Maintenance tab.
  3. Select Support Assist tab.
  4. Select Start a Collection button.
  5. Select All logs to be included in the bundle, then click Collect to start the log generation.             kA5f10000004LqnCAE_1_0
  1. Once the log collection is completed, select OK to start the download to your workstation.          kA5f10000004LqnCAE_1_1kA5f10000004LqnCAE_1_2
  1. Upload to Dell Support with your preferred method. 
  • Attach to Service Request. 
  • Request FTP directory from Support.

Extra informatie

How to Read the TSR Log:
  1. Unzip the TSR file.
  2. Browse to the 'tsr' folder contained within. 
  3. Open the 'viewer.html' file using a Web Browser (such as Chrome)
  4. Use the menus to browse to relevant or required content.

Example of 'viewer.html' page: 


Related References:  
This video shows how to collect and view the TSR:

Getroffen producten

PowerProtect Data Protection Appliance, Data Domain


Data Domain, PowerProtect DP4400, DD6900 Appliance, DD9400 Appliance, DD9900 Appliance, Integrated Data Protection Appliance Family
Artikelnummer: 000021925
Artikeltype: How To
Laatst aangepast: 20 jan. 2022
Versie:  7
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