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How to run a diagnostic on the Processor when the system performance is slow

요약: The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool performs tests on Intel CPUs and provides detailed results about its health status.

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This article details the process for running a diagnostic on your processor when you are experiencing slow performance.


Note: If you have c-states or c1e-states in BIOS enabled, this can cause a couple of false positives. The tool will report the processor is running too slowly, but this is only caused by the c-states. In this case, turn them off and run it again.

You can run diagnostics on the Processor via the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool.

From the above link download Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool, run the file and make sure internet is connected as it downloads components which are required to run the test.

The test will usually take a few minutes depending on the successful download of all components.

While running the test you will find the below screen:

SLN143988_en_US__11332241832736.PRC 1


Once the test passes you will find the screen as below:

SLN143988_en_US__21332242175475.Prc 2

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마지막 게시 날짜

09 12월 2021



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