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Compile and Install Driver with Source Code

概要: Linux driver is tied to the kernel. Most of Linux RPM drivers for download are for the original kernel version of each releases. If the kernel has been updated to a specific version, the RPM driver will be no longer suitable for the updated kernel. This KB is for how to update driver for updated kernel from source code. ...




In this KB, we take X710 NIC as an example. All the others linux source code are similar.

Install required packages for compilation.
[root@rhel87 ~]# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
[root@rhel87 ~]# yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r)

1. Download the driver from Dell Support Portal.
2. Extract and get the source code.
[root@rhel87 i40e]# tar xf Intel_LAN_21.5.0_Linux_Source_A02.tar.gz
[root@rhel87 i40e]# cd Source/base_driver/
[root@rhel87 base_driver]# tar xf i40e-2.20.12.tar.gz
[root@rhel87 base_driver]# cd i40e-2.20.12/
[root@rhel87 i40e-2.20.12]# ls
COPYING  i40e.7  i40e.spec  pci.updates  README  scripts  src  SUMS
root@rhel87 i40e-2.20.12]# cd src/
[root@rhel87 src]# ls
auxiliary.c         i40e_client.h   i40e_diag.c           i40e_hmc.c        i40e_ptp.c          i40e_virtchnl_pf.c  kcompat_impl.h         linux
auxiliary_compat.h  i40e_common.c   i40e_diag.h           i40e_hmc.h        i40e_register.h     i40e_virtchnl_pf.h  kcompat_overflow.h     Makefile
common.mk           i40e_dcb.c      i40e_ethtool.c        i40e_lan_hmc.c    i40e_status.h       i40e_xsk.c          kcompat_rhel_defs.h    Module.supported
i40e_adminq.c       i40e_dcb.h      i40e_ethtool_stats.h  i40e_lan_hmc.h    i40e_trace.h        i40e_xsk.h          kcompat_sles_defs.h    virtchnl.h
i40e_adminq_cmd.h   i40e_dcb_nl.c   i40e_filters.c        i40e_main.c       i40e_txrx.c         kcompat.c           kcompat_std_defs.h
i40e_adminq.h       i40e_ddp.c      i40e_filters.h        i40e_nvm.c        i40e_txrx_common.h  kcompat_defs.h      kcompat_ubuntu_defs.h
i40e_alloc.h        i40e_debugfs.c  i40e.h                i40e_osdep.h      i40e_txrx.h         kcompat_gcc.h       kcompat_vfd.c
i40e_client.c       i40e_devids.h   i40e_helper.h         i40e_prototype.h  i40e_type.h         kcompat.h           kcompat_vfd.h
3. Compile the driver.
[root@rhel87 src]# make
*** The target kernel has CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_ALL enabled, but
*** the signing key cannot be found. Module signing has been
*** disabled for this build.
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/kernels/4.18.0-80.el8.x86_64'
/root/i40e/Source/base_driver/i40e-2.20.12/src/Makefile:38: 2
  CC [M]  /root/i40e/Source/base_driver/i40e-2.20.12/src/i40e_main.o
  LD [M]  /root/i40e/Source/base_driver/i40e-2.20.12/src/i40e.o
  CC [M]  /root/i40e/Source/base_driver/i40e-2.20.12/src/auxiliary.o
  Building modules, stage 2.
/root/i40e/Source/base_driver/i40e-2.20.12/src/Makefile:38: 2
  MODPOST 2 modules
  CC      /root/i40e/Source/base_driver/i40e-2.20.12/src/auxiliary.mod.o
  LD [M]  /root/i40e/Source/base_driver/i40e-2.20.12/src/auxiliary.ko
  CC      /root/i40e/Source/base_driver/i40e-2.20.12/src/i40e.mod.o
  LD [M]  /root/i40e/Source/base_driver/i40e-2.20.12/src/i40e.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/kernels/4.18.0-80.el8.x86_64'
[root@rhel87 src]# echo $?
[root@rhel87 src]# modinfo ./i40e.ko
filename:       /root/i40e/Source/base_driver/i40e-2.20.12/src/./i40e.ko
version:        2.20.12
license:        GPL
description:    Intel(R) 40-10 Gigabit Ethernet Connection Network Driver
author:         Intel Corporation, <e1000-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
rhelversion:    8.0
srcversion:     A92CB6A1AD515E14A84C283
alias:          pci:v00008086d0000158Bsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:          pci:v00008086d00001572sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
depends:        auxiliary
name:           i40e
vermagic:       4.18.0-80.el8.x86_64 SMP mod_unload modversions
parm:           debug:Debug level (0=none,...,16=all) (int)
parm:           l4mode:L4 cloud filter mode: 0=UDP,1=TCP,2=Both,-1=Disabled(default) (int)
[root@rhel87 src]#

3a. Issue: If you saw error as following when running command "make"
common.mk:82: *** Kernel header files not in any of the expected locations.
common.mk:83: *** Install the appropriate kernel development package, e.g.
common.mk:84: *** kernel-devel, for building kernel modules and try again.  Stop.
Make sure the package "kernel-devel" with the same kernel version installed. (In the first step)
[root@rhel87 ~]# yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r)

3b. Issue: Test the driver before install. If got the following error "Required key not available", means the server has "Secure Boot" enabled which is not allowed to load self-compiled driver. You may boot into BIOS to disable the "Secure Boot".
[root@rhel87 src]# modprobe -r i40e
[root@rhel87 src]# insmod ./i40e.ko
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module ./i40e.ko: Required key not available

4. Install the driver to this server.
[root@rhel87 src]# make install
5. Reboot the server and the new driver will be auto loaded after booted.

If you would like to create RPM based on this driver to install to the other servers (must be the same kernel version at target server), run the following command to create rpm.
[root@rhel87 src]# cd ../..
[root@rhel87 base_driver]# ls -lh i40e-2.20.12.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 5714316 1049089 673K Jul 11  2022 i40e-2.20.12.tar.gz
[root@rhel87 base_driver]# rpmbuild -tb i40e-2.20.12.tar.gz
[root@rhel87 base_driver]# ls /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
Copy the rpm to the target server to install.



Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 7, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 9, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 8


24 7月 2023




How To