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PowerVault ME5: How to collect PowerVault support logs

概要: Dell technical support engineers may ask you to collect a support log bundle to aid analyzing and resolving issues with your PowerVault ME5 series array.

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There are several methods to gather logs from a PowerVault ME5 series array.

Using PowerVault Manager

The Collect Logs tab is found under the Support panel (Maintenance > Support).

  1. Enter a contact Name and Email Address.

  2. It is optional to enter a Phone Number or Comments. You can include the service request number in the comments.

  3. Click Collect Logs
    Collect Logs Screen

    The array begins processing the request. Collecting the logs takes several minutes to complete.
    A dialog box appears reporting progress.
    Processing the collection of the logs

  4. When the log collection is complete, click OK.
    Log file created

  5. Wait a minute and a compressed file (such as logs.zip) is saved to the browsers download folder.

  6. Send this zipped file to the Dell support representative.
    Logs zipped file

Using Secure FTP to collect logs

The secure file transfer protocol is enabled by default on ME5 systems, and an SFTP client can be used to collect logs.

  1. Open a CMD or shell prompt on a connected host.

  2. The syntax takes the form

    sftp -P 1022 admin@<ME5 controller IP address>
    Note: "-P" is an uppercase.


    sftp -P 1022 admin@
    <snipped> text removed for clarity </snipped>
    Connected to admin@
    sftp> get logs logs.zip
    Fetching /logs to logs.zip
    /logs                                  100%   13MB 625.7KB/s   00:21
    sftp> bye

    If you are using a Windows host that does not have an SFTP client, you can use PSFTP supplied with the PuTTY suiteThis hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies..

    The syntax takes the form psftp -P 1022 -l admin -pw p@ssword <ME5 controller IP address>
    Note: "-P" is uppercase.
    psftp -P 1022 -l admin -pw p@ssword
    <snipped> text removed for clarity </snipped>
    End of banner message from server
    Keyboard-interactive authentication prompts from server:
    End of keyboard-interactive prompts from server
    Remote working directory is /
    psftp> get logs logs.zip
    remote:/logs => local:logs.zip
    psftp> quit
  3. Collecting logs takes a few minutes to complete.

  4. When the log collection is complete, exit the client and send a zipped log file to the Dell support representative.

Using SupportAssist in PowerVault Manager to send logs to Dell

Where SupportAssist is enabled and able to connect to Dell, the support bundle can be sent to Dell technical support using PowerVault manager or using the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Go to the Advanced section under the SupportAssist tab under the Support panel (Maintenance > Support).

  1. Click Select and Send Telemetry.
    Advanced SupportAssist tab

  2. A dialog box appears, click Send Telemetry.

  3. Sending takes a few minutes to complete.
    Sending requested telemetry for support

  4. When sending is complete, click OK.

  5. If you have a support request open with Dell, let the support representative know you sent the logs using SupportAssist.
    Successfully sent telemetry to your SupportAssist host.

Sending logs to Dell using SupportAssist CLI

  1. Open an SSH session to the management interface of either PowerVault ME5 controller.

  2. To collect and send storage-system log files to the SupportAssist server using the default timing delay, use the syntax below.

    # send support-assist-logs
    Info: A schedule "CHLogsUser" has been created to start at "2022-02-21 13:52" to collect and send logs
    Success: Command completed successfully. (2022-02-21 13:50:12)
  3. To send log files immediately to the SupportAssist server, use the syntax below. This takes a few minutes before the CLI prompt is returned.

    # send support-assist-logs collect-send-sync
  4. You can check if the log send was successful using show events or show support-assist-telemetry-status.

    # show events last 5
    2022-02-24 13:34:04 [655]  #A2923:  ME5012 Array SN#00C0FF64650C Controller A INFORMATIONAL SupportAssist telemetry send successful. (Payload Type: System Logs)
    # show support-assist-telemetry-status
    System Logs
    Latest Upload Status: Success - Sent successfully to Dell Service Enabler. Event 655 will show the status from the Dell backend.
    Latest Upload Time: 2022-02-24 13:55:31
    Latest Upload Status: Success - Sent successfully to Dell Service Enabler
    Latest Upload Time: 2022-02-24 13:07:22
    Latest Upload Status: Success - Sent successfully to Dell Service Enabler. Event 655 will report failures if any while sending to Dell backend.
    Latest Upload Time: 2022-02-23 17:46:03
    Test Connectivity
    Latest Upload Status: Success - Sent successfully to Dell Service Enabler. Event 655 will report failures if any while sending to Dell backend.
    Latest Upload Time: 2022-02-24 13:28:01
    CloudIQ Config
    Latest Upload Status: Success - Sent successfully to Dell Service Enabler. Event 655 will report failures if any while sending to Dell backend.
    Latest Upload Time: 2022-02-24 13:02:08
    CloudIQ Statistics
    Latest Upload Status: Success - Sent successfully to Dell Service Enabler. Event 655 will report failures if any while sending to Dell backend.
    Latest Upload Time: 2022-02-24 13:47:01
    Success: Command completed successfully. (2022-02-24 13:58:20)

Sending the support logs to Dell technical support when SupportAssist is not available or enabled.

Email server policies may restrict files that can be sent by file size or by file type. Dell technical support engineers may ask you to send log files from the PowerVault ME series array, switches, or connected host operating systems to help with fault analysis.

Dell customers who open a service request with Dell can attach files and monitor the progress of their case online by signing in at this link.

To attach a support bundle or other file to the case online, follow the instructions in this article: How to Share Log Files, Screenshots, and Error Messages with Dell.

Important Information

Dell online case attachment has a capacity restriction that is linked to support account type.

  • If you do not sign in, access is restricted, and attachments are restricted to a quota of 15 MB or 5 files (whichever comes first)
  • For accounts that have signed in, but not yet upgraded to support a business account, the file upload quota is set at 50 MB or 5 files (whichever comes first), once the account is validated as a corporate account this quota is removed.
  • To upload files > 50 MB, customers must sign it as the user associated with the case AND the account must be enabled as support business user.
  • To upgrade your account, follow the instructions outlined in this article:
    How to Register for Access to Dell Technologies Online Support or Upgrade an Existing Account
Note: It is not essential to have a corporate account to progress a technical support case. Dell technical support has alternative means to facilitate transferring large file(s) such as PowerProtect: Using Secure File Transfer Protocol to Transfer to Dell Managed File Transfer (MFT) Site



Refer to this video:

PowerVault ME5: How to Collect PowerVault Support Logs

Duration: 00:01:19 (hh:mm:ss)
When available, closed caption (subtitles) language settings can be chosen using the CC icon on this video player.

You can also view this video on YouTube.


PowerVault ME5012, PowerVault ME5024, PowerVault ME5084
文書番号: 000196715
文書の種類: How To
最終更新: 12 2月 2025
バージョン:  9
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