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文書番号: 000193863

How to Run SDDC on a Windows Server or HCI OS Cluster Without Internet Access

概要: This article illustrates how to run the Software-Defined Datacenter (SDDC) data-collection tool in offline mode on a cluster with no Internet access.




The SDDC tool is normally run on a cluster with Internet access. In this way, the latest version of the tool can be automatically downloaded before data collection begins. However, it is possible to run it in offline mode by following these steps:

  1. From a machine that does have Internet access, browse to https://github.com/DellProSupportGse/Tools.
  2. Click SDDCOffline.ps1.
  3. Click Raw to view only the PowerShell code.
  4. Select the complete code (Ctrl-A can accomplish this) and copy it.
  5. Launch Notepad and paste the copied code into a blank text file.
  6. From the File menu, select Save As.
  7. Name the file SDDCOffline.ps1 and select All Files (*.*) from the Save as type dropdown menu. This prevents an additional file extension from being added to the name.
  8. Save the file in an easy-to-reach location. C:\Dell is used in this example.
  9. Go back to the web browser and browse to 
    https://github.com/DellProSupportGse/PrivateCloud.DiagnosticInfo/archive/master.zip. This downloads the latest version of the SDDC main file. It is not necessary to extract this file.
  10. Save the downloaded file in C:\Dell as well.
  11. Copy the Dell folder and its contents to a node of the offline cluster.
  12. Launch an elevated PowerShell prompt and run the SDDCOffline.ps1 script from the C:\Dell folder.
  13. Type y at the Ready to run? prompt.
  14. Any previous versions of the SDDC tool are removed automatically.
  15. Type y again when asked if the SDDC has been copied locally.
  16. Browse to the C:\Dell folder and select the zipped SDDC main file. Click Open.
  17. The offline SDDC tool is extracted to all nodes, and data collection begins. This takes several minutes.
  18. When the SDDC tool has completed, the zipped output file is stored in the normal location (C:\users\<current user>) with a name that begins with HealthTest.



Microsoft Windows Server 2016, Microsoft Windows Server 2019, Microsoft Windows Server 2022


08 2月 2024




How To