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USB Key Generation that is Based on SHA256 and SHA384 Hash Algorithm Fails in the Dell Command Intel vPro Out of Band Application

概要: Dell Command | Intel vPro Out of band application fails USB Key Generation based on SHA256 and SHA384 hash.

この記事は次に適用されます:   この記事は次には適用されません: 


Affected Products:

  • Dell Command | Intel vPro Out of Band

When you select Hash algorithm used for the certificate as either SHA256 or SHA384, and click Create Key, the following error is displayed:

Error: An unexpected error occurred creating the provisioning the USB drive. See the application log for failure details.

Dell Command | Intel vPro Error

The issue occurs while creating the USB drive which is based on the SHA256 and SHA384 hash algorithm.


The Dell Command | Intel vPro Out of Band application uses the Intel AMT SDK version to implement the USB provisioning feature. The Intel AMT SDK requires the Libeay32.dll file to create the USB drive that is based on the SHA256 and SHA384 hash algorithm.

The Libeay32.dll file contains a few critical security vulnerabilities that prevent this file type to be in the Dell Command | Intel vPro Out of Band application.


To resolve the issue where the USB drive generation fails, the Intel AMT SDK version replaces the libeay32.dll file with libcrypto.dll.

  • Download OpenSSL, locate the relevant Libcrypto*.dll file, and then place it in the same folder as the USBFile application.
  • Rename the dll file to libcrypto.dll.
  • The libcrypto.dll file depends on the vcruntime140.dll file, which is a part of the Microsoft* C Runtime Library application extension. The .dll file is in the system32 folder and is a part of the Microsoft* Visual Studio installation package. If you do not have it on your computer, you must download it.

Steps to create the USB drive that are based on the SHA256 and SHA384 hash algorithm:

Download the Intel AMT-SDK- from the following link and extract the Intel AMT-SDK- folder.
https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/download/intel-active-management-technology-sdk.html This hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies.

  1. Extract the USB_File_Module_15.0.0.1.zip folder.
    Zip file
  2. Move the libcrypto.dll file to \AMT-SDK-\USB_File_Module_15.0.0.1\Bin.
  3. Run the following command to generate the USB drive that is based on the SHA256 and SHA384 hash algorithm.
    USBfile.exe-create <usb output file name> <current MEBx password> <new MEBx password> -hash <certificate file name> <friendly name> sha256


Dell Command | Intel vPro Out of Band
文書番号: 000188731
文書の種類: Solution
最終更新: 21 6月 2024
バージョン:  5
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