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VxRail: Fail to update management account password when ESRS is enabled

概要: Fail to update management account password when ESRS is enabled

この記事は次に適用されます: この記事は次には適用されません: この記事は、特定の製品に関連付けられていません。 すべての製品パージョンがこの記事に記載されているわけではありません。


ESRS is enabled. Update password for management account on VxRail Manager fails. 


The admin password of ESRS is aligned with the password of VxRail Manager management account from release 4.0.0 to 4.0.200.
When update the password of management account, it need to comply with the restriction on vCenter, PSC, ESXi and ESRS.
ESRS have the most strict password rule among the components.
And if the password does not comply the rule, update management password will fail.


Change the management password to comply with the ESRS password rule as below
1. Be 8 or more characters in length, with a maximum of 16 characters.
2. Contain at least one numeric character.
3. Contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase character.
4. Contain at least one special character such as ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } ; < >
5. Do NOT use Special characters / ? : , . | \ ' and " as part of the password.
6. Use a password that does not match the previous password.


VxRail 460 and 470 Nodes
文書番号: 000171276
文書の種類: Solution
最終更新: 29 9月 2023
バージョン:  3
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