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文書番号: 000146577

Dell ships ISO files of Linux OS versions along with factory installed Operating Systems

概要: Red Hat Enterprise Linux - ISOs are available for download from https://access.redhat.com/downloads/ for the users with valid Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription



Dell started providing the OS Images and the source code images along with the factory Installed OS. Dell is no longer shipping RHEL/SLES OS Media kits along with the Server.

So, where can we get the OS media?

As part of your Dell Server order, you ordered RHEL/SLES OS either with Factory Install option or with Non-Factory Install option. The process is different, depending on the install option:

Factory Install Option

  • For the systems ordered with factory installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, installer ISOs and source code ISOs are available at:
    • Installer ISOs: /var/iso_files/os_image/
    • Source code ISOs: /var/iso_files/source_image/

(It is recommended to back these files up for future needs. Copies can also be acquired at the links below, subject to the listed requirements)

Non-Factory Install Option

  • For the systems ordered with Non-factory installed OS:
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux - ISOs are available for download from https://access.redhat.com/downloads/ for the users with valid Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server - ISOs are available for download from https://www.suse.com/download-linux/ for the users with valid SUSE Linux Enterprise Server subscription

What if I have ordered through Non-Factory Install option, and cannot access Redhat or SUSE Websites?

RHEL/SLES Media kits are also offered as Customer Kits from Dell, specifically for those customers who cannot access Redhat or SUSE Websites for downloading the images. Please order one through After Point of Sale (APOS) or contact your sales representative.



21 2月 2021



