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PowerEdge: PERC - How to perform a 'Check Consistency' using OpenManage Server Administrator

概要: This article explains how to perform a consistency check using Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA).

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How to perform a Check Consistency task using OMSA.

  1. Find the controller on which the virtual disk resides in the tree view.
  2. Expand the controller object until the Virtual Disks object is displayed.
  3. Select the Check Consistency task from the virtual disks drop-down menu.
  4. Click Execute.

Additional Information:

The virtual disk Checks Consistency task verifies the data and redundancy information. 
Consistency Check (CC) is a background operation that verifies and corrects the mirror or parity data for fault tolerant virtual disks. It is recommended that you periodically run a consistency check on virtual disks.

Dell Technologies recommends a Check Consistency action is performed every 30 days on each virtual disk.  

Alternative Methods:

How to perform a Consistency Check using the iDRAC9 [Only available on servers of the 14th generation and newer]: 
How to perform a consistency check using iDRAC9
Figure 1: How to start a consistency check using iDRAC9.


OpenManage Server Administrator


文書番号: 000139796
文書の種類: How To
最終更新: 05 12月 2024
バージョン:  7
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