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Active Directory error about trust relationship

概要: This article provides information on error "The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship."











Delete the corrupt Computer Account from Active Directory Users and Computers, remove the server from the domain and join the server to the domain.

Note: Steps 1 through 4 are performed on a Domain Controller or using the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT).

     1. Log on to the Domain Controller using the domain Administrator account. Press the Windows Logo+R, type dsa.msc and press Enter to open Active Directory Users and Computers .
     SLN288266_en_US__21392741375167.Run Dsa 

     2. Select the Organization Unit (OU) that the computer object resides in.


     3. Right-click on the computer object and select Delete


     4. Click Yes to delete the computer object.

Note: Steps 5 through 16 are performed on the computer exhibiting the error in the Issue section of this article.


     5.  Log on to the server using the local Administrator account. Press the Windows Logo+R, type sysdm.cpl and press Enter to open System Properties.
     SLN288266_en_US__51392742501416.Run sysdm

     6. Click Change....

     SLN288266_en_US__61392743131236.System Properties

     7. Click Workgroup:, enter a WORKGROUP name and click OK.

     SLN288266_en_US__71392743260503.Computer Name

     8. Click OK to accept the Computer Name/Domain Changes dialog box.

     SLN288266_en_US__81392743557335.Computer Name Changes

     9. Click OK to accept the Computer Name/Domain Changes dialog box.

     SLN288266_en_US__91392743767869.Computer Name Reboot

     10. Click Close

     SLN288266_en_US__101392743913965.Computer Name Close

     11. Click Restart Now to restart the server.

     SLN288266_en_US__111392745433141.Name Change Restart

     12. Log on to the server using the local Administrator account and complete steps 5 and 6 above. Click Domain:, enter the name of the domain and click OK.

     SLN288266_en_US__121392745609377.Computer Name Add Domain

     13. Click OK to accept the Computer Name/Domain Changes dialog box and type the domain Administrator account and password for the domain followed by Enter. Click OK accept the Computer Name/Domain Changes dialog box.

     SLN288266_en_US__131392746214276.Computer Name Creds 2 

     14. Click OK to accept the Computer Name/Domain Changes dialog box.
     SLN288266_en_US__141392759762900.Computer Name Reboot

     15. Click Close.

     SLN288266_en_US__151392746349980.Domain Name Change Close

     16. Click Restart Now to restart the server.

     SLN288266_en_US__161392746389778.Name Change Restart


SLN288266_en_US__17icon Note : Please ensure the system time & date is set to Synchronize with an Internet time server or it may lose the trust again.



SLN288266_en_US__17icon Note: Please also enable network discovery and flush/register the DNS
Commands - 
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="network discovery" new enable=yes
ipconfig /registerdns



Additional Information:

The error can occur for many reasons including a corrupt or missing computer account in Active Directory.
This information applies to Windows 2003, Windows 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2. 


Servers, Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008, Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials, Microsoft Windows Essential Business Server 2008, Microsoft Windows 2008 Server R2, Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Service Pack 2 , Microsoft Windows 2012 Server, Microsoft Windows 2012 Server R2 ...

05 10月 2021



