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An Ubuntu Linux Keyboard Shortcut Reference Guide for your Dell Computer

概要: The following article provides information about the various keyboard shortcut commands common to Ubuntu Linux for use with your Dell Computer.

この記事は次に適用されます:   この記事は次には適用されません: 


Table of Contents:

  1. Keyboard Shortcut Reference Guide
  2. Shortcut Guides

Keyboard Shortcut Reference Guide


This is for use as a reference guide for keyboard shortcut commands. Those that are unique to the various utilities and those applications common to the Ubuntu Linux Operating System.

The purpose of a shortcut guide is self-explanatory, in that it provides a quick way to use common commands. To save you having to go through a multistep process each time.

Note: SUPER: This is the same key as the Windows logo or Apple command key on your keyboard.

Shortcut Guides


Shortcut Effect Extra Info
TAB Autocomplete text - Press TAB to have the computer guess at completing the text already entered. It also does commands. Press twice to see the options if multiple are found
CTRL + SHIFT + V Paste Similar to CTRL + V in other applications
CTRL + SHIFT + T New browser tab  
ALT + [number] Move to browser tab [number]  
CTRL + D Close browser tab Or the application if all the browser tabs are closed
CTRL + L Clear screen  
CTRL + K Delete the text before the on-screen Cursor  
CTRL + R + [text] Find command in History For the next command, press the CTRL + R keys again
CTRL + A Move the on-screen Cursor to the beginning  
CTRL + E Move the on-screen Cursor to the End of the document or text  
CTRL + C Kill the current task  
CTRL + Z Move task to background Type fg to bring to the foreground
~ HOME folder symbol For example: cd ~/Documents
Up Cursor or CTRL + P Scrolls through the commands you have previously Entered  
Down Cursor or CTRL + N Takes you back to a more recent command  
CTRL + A or HOME Moves the on-screen Cursor to the start of a line  
CTRL + E or END Moves the on-screen Cursor to the End of a line  
ESC + B Move to the beginning of the previous or current word  
CTRL + U Deletes from the start of the line to the current on-screen Cursors position  
CTRL + W Deletes the word behind the on-screen Cursor  
ALT + B Goes back one word at a time  
ALT + F Moves forward one word at a time  
ALT + C Capitalizes the letter where the on-screen Cursor is and moves to the End of the word  
Note: The mouse does not work. Use the Left arrow and Right arrow key to move around the line. When the on-screen cursor is where you want it in the line, typing inserts text. For example: It does not overtype what is already there.
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
Q   Quit  Lowercase q
/   Search   Press N or SHIFT + N next or previous search result.
ALT + <   Begin  
ALT + >   End  
h   Help  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
ESC Shift to command mode. Vim has the following modes:
1. Command Mode
2. Insert Mode
3. Visual Mode
Y Yank the copy line.  
U Undo line  
u Undo line  
yy  Yank the current line.  
y[number] Yank [number] of lines.  
I Insert at the beginning of the current line and Enter insert mode.  
i Enter inset mode.  
P Paste before  
p Paste after  
D Delete to the End of the line.  
d[number] Delete the [number] of lines.  
v Enter visual mode. Good for manipulating large amounts of text
:w Save  
:new New file  
:e[filename] Open file [filename]  
:%s/x/y/g Replace x by y filewide.  
:h Help  
~ Toggle case  
:q! Quit without saving.  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
  q   Quit  
  u   Monitor [user] only.  
  # [number]   Set max. tasks displayed  
  >   Move down  
  <   Move up  
  m   Memory info  
  k [PID]   Kill [PID]   Process Identification (PID)
  r [nice number]   Renice   None root: 0 to 19
  Root: -20 to 19
  h   Help  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
  CTRL + O ENTER   Save   CTRL + O then ENTER
  CTRL + C   Cancel  
  CTRL + X   Quit  

Useful Keyboard shortcuts to know when navigating the desktop and windows in Ubuntu.

Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + ALT + D Minimize all windows.  
CTRL + SUPER + Up Cursor Maximize window  
CTRL + SUPER + Down Cursor Un-Maximize window  
CTRL + SUPER + Left Cursor Take 50% of the screen, on the left.  
CTRL + SUPER + Right Cursor Take 50% of the screen, on the right.  
CTRL + ALT + Cursor Move to a different workspace. Down Cursor > move to the bottom workspace
CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + Cursor Move focused window to workspace.  
ALT + F4 Close the window  
ALT + TAB Switch to the next window, by holding down ALT and tapping TAB to go through each window. Scope - single workspace
ALT + SHIFT + TAB Switch between windows, hold down ALT and SHIFT and tap TAB. Scope - all workspaces.
ALT + ` Switch to app instance Scope - single workspace - ALT [the key above TAB]
ALT + F2 or CTRL + ALT + T Run Terminal command.  
ALT + SPACE Open window menu Another way to Minimize or close a window
ALT + PRTSCN Screenshot focused app  
SHIFT + PRTSCN Screenshot of the area  
PRTSCN Screenshot the whole desktop  
SUPER + S Workspace overview  
ALT + F1 Open the applications menu.  
ALT + F2 Run an application by typing its name in the box which appears  
ALT + F4 Closes window  
ALT + F5 Returns window to normal or previous size  
ALT + F7 Moves the current window Can be moved with a mouse or keyboard
ALT + F8 Resizes the current window Can be moved with a mouse or keyboard
ALT + F9 Minimizes the current window  
ALT + F10 Maximizes the current window  
ALT + SPACE Brings up the window menu Always on top, Minimize and Maximize are on that menu
CTRL + ALT + TAB Toggles between open windows Scope - across all workspaces
SUPER + W Enable the scale effect It shows all windows in the current workspace
SUPER + A Enables the scale effect It shows all windows in all workspaces
SUPER + N Invert colors for the current window  
SUPER + M Invert colors for the whole screen  
SUPER + Mouse Scroll wheel Zooms in the screen  
SUPER + Middle Mouse button Select a region to Zoom into Using a rectangle
CTRL + SUPER + D Toggles show desktop  
ALT + Middle Mouse Button Resize focused window  
ALT + Left Mouse Button Move focused window  
ALT + Right Mouse Button Show window menu  
SUPER + S Zoom out Show workspace switcher
CTRL + C Copy the select text or object  
CTRL + X Cut the selected text or object  
CTRL + V Paste or insert the selected text or object  
CTRL + A Select all text  
CTRL + B Make the selected text Bold  
CTRL + I Make the selected text Italic  
CTRL + U Underline the selected text  
CTRL + N Open a new document or window  
CTRL + S Save the current document  
CTRL + O Open another document  
CTRL + P Print the current document  
CTRL + Z Undo the last change that you made  
CTRL + SHIFT + Z Redo a change that you undid  
CTRL + ALT + DEL Restart the computer immediately Without saving open files
CTRL + ALT + + Rotate through supported screen resolutions + on numeric pad
CTRL + ALT + - Rotate backwards through supported screen resolutions - on numeric pad
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + T New TAB  
CTRL + W Close browser tab Alternatively, apps if tabs are closed
CTRL + 1 Icon View  
CTRL + 2 List View  
CTRL + 3 Compact View  
CTRL + SHIFT + N New folder  
CTRL + L Go to the location. View the current path or connect to an SSH server
CTRL + D Add a bookmark Bookmarks the folder that you are in
CTRL + Q Close all nautilus windows. It closes all instances
F2 Rename a file or folder.  
F3 Split window  
ALT + [number] TAB [number]  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
SUPER Open Dash HOME lens Press SUPER again to close Dash
SUPER + A Application lens Opens Dash if it is not already, can be used to immediately enter the app lens
SUPER + F File lens Opens Dash if it is not already, can be used to immediately enter the file lens
SUPER + M Music lens Opens Dash if it is not already, can be used to immediately enter the music lens
CTRL + TAB Switch to the next lens  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
SUPER (long press) Display Unity shortcuts  
SUPER + [number] Open starter on launcher position [number]  
SUPER + SHIFT [number] Open new window of app at position [number]  
SUPER + TAB Switch the app using the launcher  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
ALT (tap) Show HUD Type to search app menu
ALT + F10 Open the traditional app menu  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + N New Document or browser tab  
CTRL + W Close document  
CTRL + ALT + N New browser tab group  
CTRL + SHIFT + W Close all  
CTRL + S Save  
CTRL + SHIFT + S Save as Save a copy of the file with a new filename in a new location
CTRL + SHIFT + L Save all  
CTRL + F Find text  
CTRL + H Find and replace the text  
CTRL + I Go to line. I not L
CTRL + C Copy  
CTRL + X Cut  
CTRL + V Paste  
CTRL + Q Quit  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + N New window  
CTRL + L Focus URL bar Type for example: man:ls to see the ls man page
ALT + Left Cursor Back  
ALT + Right Cursor Forward  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + T New browser tab  
CTRL + W Close browser tab  
CTRL + SHIFT + T Recover closed browser tab.  
CTRL + TAB Next browser tab  
CTRL + SHIFT + TAB Previous browser tab  
CTRL + L Focus URL bar  
CTRL + K Focus Search bar  
CTRL + F Search Page Search bar is always visible
CTRL + SHIFT + E Browser tab groups Organize task in browser tab groups
CTRL + SHIFT + Y Open download window  
CTRL + SHIFT + A Open add-on preferences  
CTRL + D Bookmark page  
CTRL + H History  
CTRL + R Reload the current page.  
CTRL + B Show Bookmarks  
CTRL + Y List Downloads  
CTRL + Q Quit  
ESC Stop loading the page.  
/ Quick Search If a search bar is not visible: CTRL + G > next
F11 Full screen  
ALT + [1-8] Go to browser tab [number]  
ALT + 9 Go to the last browser tab  
ALT + Left Cursor Back  
ALT + Right Cursor Forward  
ALT Gr + SPACE Scroll the current browser tab down.  
ALT Gr + backspace or ALT Gr + SHIFT + SPACE Scrolls current browser tab up  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + N New Mail  
CTRL + ENTER Send Mail  
CTRL + S Save Draft  
CTRL + L Create Link  
CTRL + Q Quit  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + E Open torrent folder  
CTRL + P Pause  
CTRL + N New  
CTRL + U Open URL  
ALT + C Switch View Normal or compact
ALT + ENTER Torrent properties  
DEL Remove  
CTRL + Q Quit  
SHIFT + DEL DEL file and Remove.  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + F Find Account  
CTRL + Q Quit  
F3 History  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + N New  
CTRL + O Connect  
CTRL + E Edit  
CTRL + D Delete  
CTRL + X Quit  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + H Switch video controls  
CTRL + S Take a screenshot  
CTRL + Q Quit  
SPACE Pause  
F11 Full Screen  
F9 Toggle sidebar  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + SPACE Switch play  
CTRL + F Search  
CTRL + J Play a song  
CTRL + U Shuffle  
CTRL + R Repeat  
CTRL + D Small Mode  
CTRL + Up Cursor Increase Volume  
CTRL + Down Cursor Decrease Volume  
CTRL + Q Quit  
ALT + Left Cursor Last song  
ALT + ENTER Edit song metadata.  
F11 Party mode or Fullscreen  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + I Import photos from the folder  
CTRL + N Create a new event Events act as folders for your photo content
CTRL + F Find  
CTRL + E Enhance Automatically balance color and contrast
CTRL + T Add one or more Tags  
CTRLM Modify one or more Tags  
CTRL + SHIFT + P Publish one or more photos Upload your photos to Facebook or other online source
CTRL + Q Quit  
F2 Rename photo  
F5 Start Slideshow  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + S Save the current document.  
CTRL + SHIFT + S Save the current document as. Create a copy of the file with a new filename and save the location
CTRL + O Open existing document  
CTRL + N Create a new document.  
CTRL + I Italicize text  
CTRL + B Bold text  
CTRL + U Underline text  
CTRL + ALT + C Add comment  
CTRL + P Print  
CTRL + SHIFT + V Paste text unformatted. Useful when inserting preformatted content such as from web data
CTRL + F Find  
CTRL + H Find and replace the text.  
CTRL + Q Quit  
F7 Check spelling  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + S Save the current spreadsheet.  
CTRL + SHIFT + S Save the current spreadsheet as. Create a copy of the file with a new filename and save the location
CTRL + O Open an existing spreadsheet  
CTRL + F2 Insert function  
CTRL + + Insert cells  
CTRL + 1 Format cells  
CTRL + M Clear formatting  
CTRL + I Italicize text  
CTRL + B Bold text  
CTRL + U Underline text  
CTRL + ALT + C Add comment  
CTRL + P Print  
CTRL + SHIFT + V Paste text unformatted. Useful when inserting preformatted content such as web data
CTRL + F Find text  
CTRL + H Find and replace the text.  
CTRL + Q Quit  
CTRL + N Create a new spreadsheet.  
F11 Modify styles and formatting.  
F7 Check spelling  
F9 Recalculate cell contents.  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + S Save the current presentation.  
CTRL + SHIFT + S Save the current presentation as. Create a copy of the file with a new filename and save the location
CTRL + O Open existing presentation  
CTRL + N Create a new presentation.  
CTRL + I Italicize text  
CTRL + B Bold text  
CTRL + U Underline text  
CTRL + P Print  
CTRL + SHIFT + V Paste unformatted Useful when inserting preformatted content, such as web data
CTRL + F Find text  
CTRL + H Find and replace the text.  
CTRL + Q Quit  
F5 Start slideshow  
F7 Check spelling  
Shortcut Effect Extra Info
CTRL + S Save  
CTRL + SHIFT + S Save as Create a copy of the file with a new filename and save the location
CTRL + SHIFT + G Group  
CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + G Ungroup  
CTRL + SHIFT + K Combine  
CTRL + Q Quit  
F2 Switch to Text Mod.  
+ Zoom in  
- Zoom out  

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Alienware, Inspiron, Legacy Desktop Models, OptiPlex, Vostro, XPS, G Series, G Series, Alienware, Inspiron, Latitude, Vostro, XPS, Legacy Laptop Models, Fixed Workstations
文書番号: 000131678
文書の種類: How To
最終更新: 21 8月 2024
バージョン:  8
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