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Dell Nutanix - How to check the Nutanix Guest Tool(NGT) version

概要: This article introduces how to check the version of the Nutanix Guest Tool (NGT).

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Article Summary

This article provides how to check the version of the Nutanix Guest Tool (NGT).

You can install NGT in a guest virtual machine (Microsoft Windows or Linux) to enable the advanced VM management features provided by Nutanix. See the Nutanix Portal manual for details.

How to Confirm Versions

  1. Log in to any CVM of the cluster with SSH as nutanix user.
  1. Run this command on the CVM.
    $ ncli ngt list vm-names="xxx"
    Note: Enter the target virtual machine name in "xxx" of the command.
  1. Check the VM_UUID of the virtual machine from the "VM Id", and confirm that "NGT Enabled" is True.
    Note: The character string after :: of "VM Id" is the VM_UUID.
 This is an example output when the target virtual machine name is "Test-VM".
  1. Run this command on the CVM, and check the value of "ngt_version".
    $ nutanix_guest_tools_cli query_vm_tools_entity "yyy" | grep ngt_version
    Note: Enter the VM_UUID checked in step 3 in "yyy" of the command.
 This is an example output when the VM_UUID is "a20d96e4-b2e4-4273-893c-a608ef56dfd9".


XC Core Systems, XC Series Appliances
文書番号: 000122125
文書の種類: How To
最終更新: 07 2月 2022
バージョン:  4
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