Beginning with the iDRAC6, it has been possible to create a certificate leveraging the PKI and import certificates into the iDRAC. It allows for more control over certificate creation process and allows for automation of these processes. Lastly, this process can be leveraged to create and import a wildcard certificate into the iDRAC. From a security stand point, the use of wildcard is not best practice; however, the process used to create any external certificate can also be leveraged for a wildcard certificate.
In order to import the SSL certificate you need a private key, and a signed certificate for that key. Certificates can be third party provided or auto-generated. Here is a rudimentary example of the certificate creation process using OpenSSL in a windows environment:
The installation must function as a Certificate Authority. This allows us to issue or sign a certificate request. Here are those steps:
bin>openssl.exe genrsa -aes256 -out keys/ca.key 2048
bin>openssl.exe req -config openssl.conf -new -x509 -days 3650 -key keys/ca.key -out certs/ca.cer
Now that a private key and certificate are available to use for a Certificate Authority, we can create a private key and CSR for the iDRAC and then sign this request leveraging our Certificate Authority certificate.
For the iDRAC, we must have a key and a signed certificate to import into the web services. We can leverage OpenSSL to achieve these goals.
bin>openssl.exe req -new -config openssl.conf -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout idrac.key -out idrac.csr
bin>openssl.exe ca -policy policy_anything -config openssl.conf -cert certs/ca.cer -in requests/idrac_web.csr -keyfile keys/ca.key -days 365 -out certs/idrac_web.cer
) and the second of these is the signed certificate (idrac_web.cer
With a private key and certificate pair, we can upload the key and certificate to the iDRAC. *Note for the following steps I copied the private key and the certificate to the root of the C drive for ease of access and to decrease the length of the commands.
command with the interactive option
racadm -r -i sslkeyupload -t 1 -f C:\idrac_web.key
racadm -r -i sslcertupload -t 1 -f c:\idrac_web.cer