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Dell EMC Networking How to stack N2000 or N3000 Switches

概要: This article explains how to stack N2000 and N3000 series switches.




Stack N2000 or N3000 Switches

To stack N2000 or N3000 switches, perform the following steps:

  1. Update each switch to the latest firmware using the instruction included in the zip file.

  2. Power off the switches. For each switch in the stack, connect stacking cables from the bottom stacking port on the first switch, to the top stacking port on the next switch.
    On the last switch connect the bottom stacking port to the top stacking port on the top switch.

  3. Power on the the switch that you intend to be the primary switch first and wait until you can manage it. Once you confirm the primary switch is manageable power on the each of the remaining switches one at a time until every switch is powered on.
    They will add themselves to the stack.

  4. Run the command console#show switch to verify stacking.

NOTE: The primary and secondary switches keep the startup-configuration of the stack. You can only access the console port from the primary Switch.
NOTE: You can only stack N2000 switches with N2000 switches and N3000 switches with N3000 switches. An N2024 will not stack an N3024.
N2000 - N2100 support up to 12 units in a stack running firmware pre 6.6.x.x. Customer be aware that 6.6.x.x firmware reduces the maximum stack size of N2000 and N2128PX-ON Series to 8 units.


N3000 - N3100 support up to 12 units in a stack running firmware pre 6.5.x.x. Customer be aware that 6.5.x.x firmware has 2 different versions, Advanced Version and Advanced-Lite Version. 
Advanced Version - full stack capability of up to 12 units with maximum active VLAN support of 4093. 
Advanced-Lite Version - reduced stack size of up to 8 units with maximum active VLAN support of 1024.

NOTE:  It’s required to use the Advanced-Lite (N3000AdvLitev6.5.x.x.stk) version of firmware image to form the mixed stack of N3000E-ON and N3000 Series switches.

N3000 Series switches can only run Advanced-Lite versions of firmware.
N3000E Series switches can run either the Advanced or Advanced-Lite revisions of firmware.



PowerSwitch N2000 Series, PowerSwitch N2100 Series, PowerSwitch N3000 Series, Dell EMC PowerSwitch N3000E-ON Series, Dell EMC PowerSwitch N3100 Series


30 3月 2021




How To