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iDRAC: Export and import iDRAC configuration information

概要: This article explains how to export and import the configuration information that is set on the iDRAC Web console. However, only iDRAC9 can be operated by Web console.




Note that iDRAC9 and later supports UI but iDRAC7/8 only supports CLI.

Link to Dell Technologies YouTube Video "Configuration Profiles" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWRO6BNAs4Q
Link to manual for more information for UI interactions: https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/en-us/idrac9-lifecycle-controller-v3.3-series/idrac_3.31.31.31_ug/exporting-server-configuration-profile-using-idrac-web-interface?guid=guid-09fdb445-d0bf-494c-a3fa-88dead54efea&lang=en-us

Steps using CLI

Advance preparation:

  • Install the DRAC Tool if racadm is not installed.
  • Run the command to check the iDRAC version:
    racadm -r "iDRAC IP address" -u "iDRAC user ID" -p "iDRAC password" getversion
    Command example: racadm -r -u root -p calvin getversion

Steps to export
Run the command to export the XML file.

racadm -r "iDRAC IP address" -u "iDRAC user ID" -p "iDRAC password" get -t xml -f "File path/filename of export destination" 
Command example: racadm -r -u root -p calvin get -t xml -f C:\iDRAC_config.xml

NOTE: Filename/file path is an example. Specify any export destination/filename.


Only if the iDRAC version that is confirmed in the Advance preparation step is 1.x, the XML file does not include the alert information.
For this reason, run the command to export the alert information (ini file).

racadm -r "iDRAC IP address" -u "iDRAC user ID" -p "iDRAC password" get -t ini -f "file path/file name"
Command example: racadm -r -u root -p calvin get -t ini -f C:\iDRAC_config.ini


Steps to import
Follow the steps below to import the exported information.

  1. Only for iDRAC version 1.x, run the command to import the alert information (ini file).

    racadm -r "iDRAC IP address" -u "iDRAC user ID" -p "iDRAC password" set -t ini -f "file path/filename of file to be imported"
    Command example: racadm -r -u root -p calvin set -t ini -f C:\iDRAC_config.ini
  2. Run the command to import the XML file (system config).

    racadm -r "iDRAC IP address" -u "iDRAC user ID" -p "iDRAC password" set -t xml -f "file path/filaname of the file to be imported"
    Command example: racadm -r -u root -p calvin set -t xml -f C:\iDRAC_config.xml


    NOTE: When importing after replacement of iDRAC, enter the default password as the iDRAC password.


  3. Wait for the system to restart.
    Restart the system manually if it is not automatically restarted.


Since the password of each user for iDRAC is not restored, change the password of each user.
Also, since not all the passwords are restored, restore such as proxy and VNC Server if necessary.


Steps using UI

NOTE: Only iDRAC9 supports operations on UI.

Steps to export

  1. Log in to the iDRAC Web console.

  2. Select Configuration -> Server Setting Profile from the menu bar.
    iDRAC9 Configuration Dashboard

  3. Expand the Export, and enter the following items at a minimum.
    ・File name: Any file name
    ・Export Components: Select the items that you want to export. Normally, select "All."
    Leave other settings as default or set as you want and click Export.
    iDRAC Server Configuration Profile

  4. Click Save Locally on the appeared message and save it any place.
    iDRAC Server Configuration export


Steps to import
Follow the steps below to import the exported information.

  1. Follow the above export steps until step 2.

  2. Expand the Import, and enter the following items at a minimum
    ・File Path: Select the file to import
    ・Import Components": Select the items that you want to import. Normally, select "All"
    Leave other settings as default or set as you want and click Import.
    iDRAC configuration - Import





Configuration Profiles Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWRO6BNAs4Q



Servers, PowerEdge


08 1月 2024




How To