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NetWorker: How to use nsr_render_log to render .raw log files

概要: How to use nsr_render_log to collect logs.

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nsr_render_log reads messages from the NetWorker raw log file, filters, and renders them according to the command-line options, and sends the output to stdout. The default language is English. If a locale is specified, the messages are output in the specified language, and the timestamps are formatted to that locale. If the messages cannot be rendered in the specified local language, then the messages are rendered in English. 

Logs files rendering cane be done on screen, send to a file, and send to a file in the background.
  • Render raw file on screen:
nsr_render_log raw_filename
  • Render a raw file to a text file:
nsr_render_log raw_filename > output_filename
  • Render a raw file to a text in the background:
nsr_render_log raw_filename > output_filename 2>&1
  • Render a raw file from a remote machine:
nsr_render_log -R hostname raw_filename > output_filename 2>&1
  • Render a raw file and only view log file messages for a specific device:
nsr_render_log -F devicename raw_filename > output_filename 2>&1
  • Render only the most recently logged messages:
nsr_render_log -B number raw_filename > output_filename 2>&1
  • Render messages from a specified time range:
nsr_render_log -S "start_timestamp" -E "end_timstamp" raw_filename 1> output_filename 2>&1

raw_filename is the name of the unrendered file. For example, daemon.raw

output_filename is the name of the file to direct the output to.

hostname is the name of the host that contains the .raw file.

devicename is the name of the device
number Output only messages starting with this line number. If the given start_line value is negative, then it lines from the end of the file.

-h suppresses the hostname.

-y suppresses the message severity.


Render the whole daemon log to a file.
nsr_render_log daemon.raw > daemon.log
Render log messages from today only:
nsr_render_log -S "today" daemon.raw > daemon.log 2>&1
Render log messages from within last week only
nsr_render_log -S "1 weeks ago" daemon.raw > daemon.log 2>&1

Logic can be applied, using hours, days, weeks, and so forth.

Render log messages between two timestamps:

nsr_render_log -S "08/13/2024 09:00:00 AM" -E "08/13/2024 10:00:00 AM" daemon.raw > daemon.log 2>&1
To render log messages generated by process IDs (PIDs) 41, 1064 and 1065, suppressing thread and activity/eventID output, searching only the last 50 lines of the log file and redirect output.
nsr_render_log -ta -P "41 1064 1065" -B -50 recover.raw > recover.txt
Display help messages:
nsr_render_log -h
The NetWorker Command Reference Guide provides detailed information about the nsr_render_log program and the available options. NetWorker documentation is available through Dell Support.



NetWorker, NetWorker Series


NetWorker Family, NetWorker Series
文書番号: 000022793
文書の種類: How To
最終更新: 21 9月 2024
バージョン:  6
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