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Connectivity Issues When Using The Dell Projector Connection Manager with a Mac

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This article provides information on connectivity issues when using the Dell Projector Connection Manager.

Table of Contents:

  1. Dell Projector Connection Manager Connectivity Issues
  2. Selectively Disable App Nap For Mac Applications
  3. Disable App Nap System Wide In Mac OS X
  4. Re-Enable App Nap In Mac OS X
  5. Contact Dell Technical Support

Dell Projector Connection Manager Connectivity Issues

When connected to a Dell Projector from a Mac using the Dell Projector Connection Manager, connectivity issues could be caused by a feature known as App Nap. App Nap is a feature that arrived with OS X Mavericks which automatically pauses applications once they have gone unused for a period of time, helping to reduce energy consumption and saving battery life for portable Macs.

Though App Nap can make a big difference in extending the battery life of MacBooks, there are some unique situations where users may not want an application to pause itself when unused, inactive, or otherwise in the background. For these situations, you can selectively prevent App Nap by disabling it on a per-application basis. Most users should not disable App Nap without a compelling reason to do so.

If connectivity issues do occur when using the Dell Projector Connection Manager, perform the following steps for a possible solution.


Selectively Disable App Nap For Mac Applications

Note: You must re-launch active applications for the toggled App Nap setting to take effect, whether you are disabling it or re-enabling it. This process must be repeated for each application that you wish to prevent App Nap for.

  1. Quit the application you wish to disable App Nap for
  2. From the OS X Finder, navigate to the /Applications/directory, or whatever the parent directory is of the app you wish to disable App Nap for
  3. Locate the application to disable App Nap for, select it, then go to the File menu and select Get Info (or select the app and hit Command + i)
  4. Check the box for Prevent App Nap, found under the General section of Get Info
  5. Close out of Get Info and re-launch the app in question

Disable App Nap System Wide In Mac OS X

Turning this off may impact every task, process, or application that runs in the background of OS X

  1. Open the Terminal app, found in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder
  2. Copy and paste the following defaults string into the terminal, then hit the return key:

    defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAppSleepDisabled -bool YES
  3. Close out of Terminal and re-launch apps and/or processes for the change to carry through

To confirm App Nap has been disabled, perform the following steps:

  1. Restart the Mac
  2. Open up a few apps and hide them for 30 minutes or more
  3. Open up the Activity Monitor
    • Go > Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor
  4. Click on the Energy section
  5. Under the App Nap sort section, verify that everything is listed No including the app that was backgrounded

Re-Enable App Nap In Mac OS X

  1. Open the Terminal app, found in the /Applications/Utilities/folder
  2. Copy and paste the following defaults string into the terminal, then hit the return key:

    defaults delete NSGlobalDomain NSAppSleepDisabled
  3. Quit and re-launch all apps, or reboot the Mac for the default settings to return

Contact Dell Technical Support

If these steps do not correct the problem, please contact Dell Technical Support.

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Projectors & Accessories
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Numero articolo: 000144767
Tipo di articolo: Solution
Ultima modifica: 13 giu 2024
Versione:  4
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