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Touch Screen May Have Intermittent Issues or Stop Working Due to Power Management Settings

Riepilogo: Steps for configuring power management settings to get the touch screen to work correctly.

Questo articolo si applica a Questo articolo non si applica a Questo articolo non è legato a un prodotto specifico. Non tutte le versioni del prodotto sono identificate in questo articolo.


The following article gives information about touch screens not working after power management settings are changed.

Touch Screen Inoperative After the LCD Display is Disabled by Power Management

You may encounter a situation where the touch input of the touchscreen display will not work after the power management disables the touchscreen.

EXAMPLE: If you set the screen to DIM after 2 minutes and TURN-OFF after 3 minutes. Moving the mouse, pressing any key turns the display back on, but the touch input no longer works.

Note: If your system does not have a Human Interface Device (HID) listing in Device Manager, then this article does not apply to your system.


Cause information is not available.


Adjust HID USB Power Management Setting in Device Manager

The solution is to adjust the power setting in the device manager under Human interface Devices (HID) devices (Figure 1).
Figure 1

To resolve this issue, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Device Manager.
    Windows 7:

    1. Click Start
    2. Type Device Manager
    3. Click Device Manager on the menu

    Windows 8/8.1
    1. At theStart screen
    2. Type Device
    3. Click the Device Manager icon


  2. Click the arrow next to Human interface Devices. You should see 2 items that are listed as a USB device.

    1. Right-click each USB Device and click properties on the drop-down menu
    2. In the USB Device properties window, click the power management tab
    3. Under the power management tab, there is a checkbox next to "Allow the computer to turn this device off to save power"
    4. Clear the check box then click OK. Repeat these steps for the second USB Device.
    5. Reboot the system.


The touch screen should retain touch functionality after it is turned off. You can use either the mouse, keyboard, or touch screen to turn the LCD back on (Figure 2).
Figure 2

If you have further questions about this solution, contact Dell Technical Support.

See these Dell Knowledge Base articles for related information:

Prodotti interessati

Latitude E7240 Ultrabook, Latitude E7440
Proprietà dell'articolo
Numero articolo: 000135356
Tipo di articolo: Solution
Ultima modifica: 07 feb 2025
Versione:  7
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