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How to Add a Netskope Administrator

Riepilogo: Learn step-by-step instructions about how to add additional Netskope administrator accounts.

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You may require creating additional Netskope administrator accounts in your environment. These instructions are the step-by-step process to create additional Netskope administrator accounts.

Affected Products:

  • Netskope

Affected Operating Systems:

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux

  1. In a web browser, go to the Netskope web console:
    • United States Datacenter: https://[TENANT]
    • European Union Datacenter: https://[TENANT]
    • Frankfurt Datacenter: https://[TENANT]
    Note: [TENANT] = The tenant name in your environment
  2. Log in to the Netskope web console.
    Netskope web console login
  3. Click Settings.
    Settings in the Netskope left pane
  4. Click Administration.
    Administration option
  5. Click Admins.
    Admins option
  6. Click New Admin.
    New Admin button
  7. From the Create Admin menu:
    1. Populate an Email address.
    2. Choose how to provide the password. If manually providing the password, populate Password and Confirm Password; otherwise, go to Step 7c.
    3. Select a Role.
    4. Click Create.
    Create Admin menu

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Proprietà dell'articolo
Numero articolo: 000130750
Tipo di articolo: How To
Ultima modifica: 06 feb 2025
Versione:  11
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