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How to Identify the Dell Full Disk Encryption Version

Riepilogo: The version of Dell Full Disk Encryption may be identified by following these instructions.

Questo articolo si applica a Questo articolo non si applica a Questo articolo non è legato a un prodotto specifico. Non tutte le versioni del prodotto sono identificate in questo articolo.


Knowing the version of Dell Full Disk Encryption allows an administrator to:

  • Identify known issues
  • Determine UI differences
  • Understand workflow changes
  • Verify system requirements

Affected Products:

  • Dell Full Disk Encryption

Affected Operating Systems:

  • Windows


Not applicable


Versioning can be determined either through the product user interface (UI) or through the product Installer. Click the appropriate method for more information.

Note: Dell Full Disk Encryption must be installed before identifying the version through the UI.
  1. On the Windows Desktop, double-click Dell Data Security Console.

Dell Data Security Console icon

Note: Alternatively, the Dell Data Security Console can be accessed using Windows Explorer at %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Security Tools\Dell.SecurityFramework.Console.exe.
  1. In the upper right corner of the Dell Data Security Console, click the gear icon and then select About.

About option

  1. Record the version displayed.

Example version

Note: The version may differ from the example above.
Note: For information about downloading the installer, reference How to Download Dell Encryption Enterprise or Dell Encryption Personal.
  1. Extract the child installers from the Dell Data Security Master Installer.
  1. In the extracted master installer path, right-click [EXTRACTED PATH]\Encryption Management Agent\EMAgent_[BITDEPTH]_setup.exe and then select Properties.

Properties option

  1. Click the Details tab.

Details tab

  1. Record the first three numbers of Product version. In the example, 8.16.0 are the first three numbers.

Example version

Note: The version may differ from the example above.

To contact support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
Go to TechDirect to generate a technical support request online.
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Informazioni aggiuntive




Prodotti interessati

Dell Encryption
Proprietà dell'articolo
Numero articolo: 000124907
Tipo di articolo: Solution
Ultima modifica: 01 mag 2023
Versione:  10
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