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How to Download and Install Apps and Extensions on Your Dell Chromebook

Résumé: Download apps for your Dell Chromebook from the Google Chrome Web Store. This guide covers how to install apps on a Chromebook, add extensions, and manage downloads for an optimized experience. ...

Cet article concerne Cet article ne concerne pas Cet article n’est associé à aucun produit spécifique. Toutes les versions du produit ne sont pas identifiées dans cet article.


To locate apps or extensions for your Dell Chromebook, browse to the Google Chrome Web Store.
You can also reach the Chrome Web Store by clicking the icon Chrome store_icon on the New Tab page.


  1. In the left column of the Chrome Web Store, click Apps or Extensions.
  2. Browse the store to locate the app or extensions you want to install.
  3. Click the Add to Chrome button on the details page. If the button specifies a price, you must purchase the app.
  4. Review the types of data that it can access. Confirm the installation, and it is installed.
  5. Your apps appear in the launcher (located in the lower left corner), and your extensions appear in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser next to the address bar.


  • The pre-installed Google apps are located in the upper right corner next to your Google Account icon.
  • For more information about Using and Troubleshooting the Chrome Operating System, see the ChromeOS Support site.

Produits concernés

Chromebook, Chromebook 11, Chromebook 3120 (End of Life), Chromebook 11 3180, Chromebook 11 3189, Chromebook 5190 2-in-1, Chromebook 5190, Chromebook 13 3380, Chromebook 7310, Inspiron Chromebook 11 3181, Inspiron Chromebook 11 3181 2-in-1 , Inspiron Chromebook 7486 ...
Propriétés de l’article
Numéro d’article: 000147012
Type d’article: Solution
Dernière modification: 16 déc. 2024
Version:  6
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