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How to Determine the Model Number of Your Dell Venue 7, 8 and 10 Android Tablet

Résumé: To determining the model number of your Venue Android tablet perform the following steps.

Cet article concerne Cet article ne concerne pas Cet article n’est associé à aucun produit spécifique. Toutes les versions du produit ne sont pas identifiées dans cet article.


To determine the model number of your Venue Android tablet perform the following steps.

  1. From the home page, touch the Apps icon in the center of the bottom row to access all your apps (Figure 1 or Figure 2).
    SLN293235_en_US__1Apps Icon or SLN293235_en_US__2I_Tablet_Venue_10_7040_Apps_Icon_BD_v1
    Figure 1 and Figure 2: Apps Icon
  2. Touch the Settings icon (Figure 3, 4 or 5, you may have to swipe to the second or third page of Apps).
    SLN293235_en_US__31378929999275.wifi02 or SLN293235_en_US__4Settings_Screenshot or SLN293235_en_US__5I_Tablet_Venue_10_7040_Settings_Icon_BD_v1
    Figure 2, 3 and 4 Setting Icons
  3. Swipe up until you can see About Tablet at the bottom of the page.
  4. Touch About Tablet.
  5. The Model number is listed on this screen.
  6. Match your model number in (Table 1) to the Dell Tablet Product Selector to get a concise list of how-to's and troubleshooting information.
      Listing in Dell  
      Product Selector  

    Dell Venue 7


    Dell Venue 7 3736 China only


    Dell Venue 7 3740


    Dell Venue 7 (3741, Late 2014)


    Dell Venue 8


    Dell Venue 8 3840


     Dell Venue 8 (7840, Early 2015) 


     Dell Venue 10 (5050, Early 2015) 


     Dell Venue 10 (7040, Early 2015) 

    Table 1: Venue 7, 8 and 10 Dell Product Selector


Produits concernés

Venue 5050, Venue 7040, Venue 3730, Venue 3736, Venue 3740, Venue 3741, Venue 3830, Venue 3840, Venue 7840
Propriétés de l’article
Numéro d’article: 000141202
Type d’article: Solution
Dernière modification: 21 févr. 2021
Version:  3
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