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Using Dell Command Configure to Set The Asset Tag Information of Your Dell Computer

Résumé: This article contains information about how to use Dell Command | Configure or Client Configuration Toolkit (CCTK) to set the asset tag information in the BIOS for computers running a Windows operating system. ...

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Affected Products:

Dell Command | Configure
Dell Client Configuration Toolkit

The following article contains information about how to use Dell Command | Configure or CCTK to set the asset tag information in the BIOS for computers running a Windows operating system.

Can you change the Dell Asset Tag on a Dell computer?

Yes, the asset tag can be changed. Dell has utilities that can help you do this. There are several valid reasons why you would want to change the asset tag on your Dell computer, but this article does not address that.

Steps to Change the Dell Asset tag on your Dell Computer

NOTE: Dell Command | Configure is a packaged software offering that provides configuration capability to business client platforms. This product consists of a Command Line Interface (CLI) and User Interface (UI) to configure various BIOS features.
NOTE: For information about Dell Command, see the Dell Knowledge Base article, Dell Command | Configure.

To get Dell Command | Configure, follow these steps (dell support):

  • Go to the Dell Support page.
  • Under Which product do you need help with, enter the Service Tag of your supported Dell device and click Submit, or click Detect PC.
  • On the Product Support page for your Dell device, click Drivers & Downloads.
  • Click Manually find a specific driver for you [model].
  • Check the System Management checkbox under the Category dropdown.
  • Locate Dell Command | Configure in the list and select Download on the right side of the page.
  • Locate the downloaded file on your computer (in Google Chrome, the file appears at the bottom of the Chrome window), and run the executable file.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions.
NOTE: The maximum length of an asset tag is ten characters, and asset tag values should not contain any spaces.

Using Dell Command Configure UI

These instructions assist you in using Dell Command | Configure to set the asset tag information in the BIOS with Windows and certain Linux installations:

  • Launch Dell Command | Configure Wizard
  • Go to the Create Local System Package tab on the UI.
  • Click Category and check the System Summary checkbox.
  • Click the Value to set field and type in the required asset tag.
  • Click the Export.exe button at the bottom of the screen.
  • If needed, provide password information about next screen, and click OK.
  • Save it to your specified folder.
  • Run the saved file and then shut down your computer.
  • Check the BIOS to ensure that the Asset Tag is correct.

Using CCTK Tool (CLI)

NOTE: Dell Client Configuration Toolkit is a packaged software offering that provides scripted configuration capability to Dell Business Client Platforms including OptiPlex, Latitude, and Precision computers. CCTK consists of command-line utilities for supported business client operating systems. It helps configure and query BIOS settings on the computers. CCTK can also be used in a Microsoft Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE).
NOTE: For information about Dell Client Configuration, see Dell Knowledge Base article, How to Install & Use Dell Client Configuration Toolkit.

These instructions assist you in using CCTK to set the asset tag information in the BIOS with Windows:

  1. Open the Command Prompt window in your Windows operating system:
    1. Click the Start button.
    2. In the search box, type cmd.
    3. In the list of results, right-click cmd and choose Run as administrator.
  2. Change the directory to the proper cctk directory:
    1. For Windows 32-bit, the full command would be cd program files (x86)\dell\Command Configure\x86.
    2. For Windows 64-bit, the full command would be cd program files (x86)\dell\Command Configure\x86_64.
  3. Type dir to verify that the program of cctk.exe is in the directory.
  4. Type --asset command to set the customer programmable BIOS asset tag:
    1. For example, to change the asset tag to Computer1 the full command would be cctk --asset=Computer1.
    2. Wait for the command to process. You are either brought back to the cctk directory if successful. Or you may receive an error message if not successful.
    NOTE: Check the c:\program files (x86)\dell\ Command Configure\cctkerrorcodes.txt file to assist with diagnosing any error codes or messages.
  5. Check the BIOS to ensure that the Asset Tag is correct.

Produits concernés

G Series, Alienware, Inspiron, Latitude, Vostro, XPS, Client Systems Management, Fixed Workstations, Dell Command | Configure
Propriétés de l’article
Numéro d’article: 000129633
Type d’article: How To
Dernière modification: 06 Feb 2025
Version:  8
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