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How to find the EMC Disk Library (EDL) serial number

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How to find an EMC Disk Library (EDL) serial number

Need to know the EDL serial number


To find the serial number of your EDL: 
  1. Log in to EDL using Console GUI.
  2. Expand Physical Resources.
  3. Expand Storage Devices.
  4. Expand Fibre Channel Devices.
  5. Look for the CLARiiON serial numbers listed.
  6. Click the serial number. The CLARiiON array that shows a "V" on the LUNs in the right pane is the primary CLARiiON for that engine.

Informations supplémentaires

In some cases "Physical Resources" are hidden and you must display "Show Physical Resources" from the View menu in the Console GUI.

Produits concernés

Disk Library


Disk Library
Propriétés de l’article
Numéro d’article: 000082041
Type d’article: Solution
Dernière modification: 25 Sep 2024
Version:  3
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