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Using the Dell Server Update Utility to Update Firmware and Drivers on Dell PowerEdge Servers
The Dell Server Update utility allows updating firmware and Operating System drivers on Dell PowerEdge servers.
This article summarizes the steps to download the tool and to use it to
update components on a Windows Server target server.
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Overview of the Dell Server Update utility You can download the Dell Server Update utility from support.dell.com. Use it to update firmware for BIOS, iDRAC, and other components and operating system drivers. The Dell Server Update utility is a local, one-to-one tool. This means that you can use it to update only the local server to which you have download it.
The Dell Server Update utility allows the user to compare the current versions of components with the versions available on the media. The user can then opt for upgrading or even downgrading the components. The Dell Server Update utility can be launched and used directly from within Windows Server or within the LifeCycle Controller platform.
You can find further details about the Dell Server Update utility and specific usage instructions on the User Guide located in the link below: