Résumé:This article provides the methods to change the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 (iDRAC9) default login password.
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If the default password is used, a warning message is displayed to alert you about this security vulnerability. This message is displayed if:
You log in to the iDRAC with Configure User privilege.
The default password warning feature is enabled.
The default iDRAC username and password are provided on the system information tag.
The warning message is also displayed when you log in to the iDRAC using SSH, Telnet, remote RACADM, or the Web interface. For the Web interface, SSH, and Telnet, a single warning message is displayed for each session. For remote RACADM, the warning message is displayed for each command.
The default iDRAC username and password are widely known, and any user with access to the server could change the default password. The Default Password Warning feature in iDRAC warns you if the default login credentials are still in place.
Whenever a user with Configure User privileges logs in to iDRAC or SSH/Telnet or runs RACADM commands remotely using the default login credentials, the system displays a warning message (SEC0701). Because UI and SSH/Telnet users log in once per session, they see a single warning message for each session. Because remote RACADM users log in for every command, they see a warning message for every command.
An iDRAC with default login credentials is even less secure if the system is Internet-accessible or part of a large network with different trust boundaries.
iDRAC recommended characters in usernames and passwords
To improve security, it is recommended to use complex passwords that have eight or more characters and include lowercase alphabets, uppercase alphabets, numbers, and special characters. It is also recommended to change the passwords, if possible regularly.
Note: The password must include one uppercase and one lower case letter, one number, and a special character.
Recommended characters for usernames
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - ! # $ % & ( ) * / ; ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ' { | } ~ + < = >
1 to 16 characters
Recommended characters for passwords
iDRAC Firmware Version
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - ! # $ % & ( ) *, . / : ; ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ' { | } ~ + < = >
1 to 20 characters
4.xx, 5.xx, and 6.xx
1 to 40 characters
1 to 127 characters
You may be able to create usernames and passwords that include other characters. However, to ensure compatibility with all interfaces, Dell Technologies recommends using only the characters listed here.
Note: The network-share type determines the characters allowed in usernames and passwords for network shares. iDRAC supports valid characters for network share credentials as defined by the share type, except <, >, and , (comma).
Changing the default iDRAC login password using the web interface
When you log in to the iDRAC web interface, if the Default Password Warning page is displayed, you can change the password.
Figure 1: iDRAC9 default username and password warning message
Select the Change Default Password option.
In the New Password field, enter the new password.
Click Continue. The new password is configured, and you are logged in to iDRAC.
Note: Continue is enabled only if the passwords entered in the New Password and Confirm Password fields match.
Alternately, if the default password warning page is disabled:
In the iDRAC Web Interface, go to iDRAC Settings and then User.
In the User ID column, select user ID 2 and click Edit.
Modify the user settings as needed.
Click Save.
Note: The default password warning message can be enabled or disabled by going to iDRAC Settings and then under User.
Changing the default login password using iDRAC settings utility
Note:This procedure is also valid if the original password is lost.
Press F2 during system POST to access System Settings. Select the iDRAC Settings.
Figure 2: System Setup Main Menu
In the iDRAC Settings utility, go to User Configuration. The iDRAC Settings User Configuration page is displayed.
Figure 3: iDRAC Settings
In the Change Password field, enter the new password.
Figure 4: User Configuration
Type the new password and then click OK or press Enter.
Figure 5: Change Password
After changing the password, click the Back button or press Enter.
Figure 6: Password changed
Click Finish or press Enter.
Figure 7: Clicking Finish
Confirm the changes by clicking Yes or by pressing Enter.
Figure 8: Warning to Save Changes
Click OK or press Enter at the confirmation prompt.
Figure 9: Settings saved confirmation
Click Finish or press Enter.
Figure 10: Clicking Finish
Changing the default login password using RACADM
To change the password, run the following RACADM command:
racadm set iDRAC.Users.<INDEX>.Password <PASSWORD>
<INDEX> = A value from 1 to 16 that indicates the user account