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Driver Installation Guide for Dell Performance Docking Station WD19DC and WD19DCS

Résumé: Learn how to download and install drivers for Dell Performance Docking Station WD19DC/WD19DCS. Find information about installing and updating drivers for Dell Performance Docking Station WD19DC/WD19DCS on your personal computer. ...

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Find information about how to download and install device drivers for Dell Performance Docking Station WD19DC and WD19DCS on a personal computer. Installing or updating the drivers to the latest version ensures optimal performance of the docking station.

Dell Performance Docking Station WD19DC/WD19DCS is a device that links all your electronic devices to your personal computer using a dual USB Type-C cable interface. Connecting the personal computer to the docking station allows you to access all peripherals (mouse, keyboard, stereo speakers, external hard drive, and large-screen displays) without having to plug each one into the personal computer.

Note: Dell Performance Docking Station WD19DC/WD19DCS works with Personal Computers that support Dual USB-C ports that support DisplayPort over USB-C. To learn how to identify supported Dell PCs with dual USB-C ports, see the Dell Knowledge Base article How to Use and Troubleshoot Dell Performance Docking Station WD19DC/WD19DCS.


Note: You must update your personal computer’s BIOS and the Dell Docking Station drivers to the latest versions available at the Dell Drivers & downloads website before using the docking station. Older BIOS versions and drivers could result in the docking station not being recognized by your personal computer or not functioning optimally.

Dell highly recommends the following applications to automate the installation of BIOS, firmware, driver, and critical updates specific to your personal computer and docking station:

  • Dell | Update - for Dell XPS PCs only
  • Dell Command | Update - for Dell Latitude, Dell Precision, or XPS PCs
Note: Dell WD19DC/WD19DCS dock connection to your personal computer is required in order for Dell Update to start software updates on the host personal computer.

Download and install driver for Dell WD19DC/WD19DCS docking station

  1. Browse to Dell Drivers & downloads page.
  2. Identify your Dell product:
    • Under This PC, click Download & Install SupportAssist or select your Dell product from the list.
      Note: SupportAssist automatically identifies your Dell computer. If SupportAssist is not installed, follow the prompts to download and install SupportAssist.
    • Or, enter the Service Tag, Serial Number, or Model and click Search.
    • Or, click Browse all products and select the Dell product from the catalog.
  3. Select the Operating System.
  4. Download and install the latest Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) for the computer. This is available in the "BIOS" section.
    Note: To learn more about updating the BIOS on a Dell computer, see the Dell Knowledge Base article Dell BIOS Updates.
  5. Download and install the latest Intel or NVIDIA or AMD graphics driver for the computer. This is available in the "Video" section.
  6. Download and install the latest Realtek USB Audio Driver for the docking station. This is available in the "Docks/Stands" section.
  7. Download and install the latest Realtek USB GBE Ethernet Controller Driver for the docking station. This is available in the "Docks/Stands" section.
  8. Restart the computer.
  9. After the driver update process completes, connect the AC adapter to the Dell WD19DC dock first and then attach the USB Type-C (USB-C) cable to the computer before using the docking station.
Note: If the Dell computer supports Thunderbolt 3, download and install the Intel Thunderbolt Controller Driver and Intel Thunderbolt 3 Firmware Update driver. These are available in the "Chipset" section.

To learn more about installing device drivers and troubleshooting issues with your docking station, see these Dell Knowledge Base Articles:


Produits concernés

Dell Performance Dock - WD19DC, Dell Performance Dock – WD19DCS
Propriétés de l’article
Numéro d’article: 000128786
Type d’article: How To
Dernière modification: 06 Feb 2025
Version:  8
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