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How to Change the Operating System Language in Windows 11

Résumé: This article describes how to guide a customer through changing the operating system language in Windows 11.

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It is possible that the default Windows language was not set correctly during the initial setup of the computer or the computer did not ship with the language of the customer’s preference.

Windows 11 makes it easy to change the operating system language without having to reinstall Windows.

To change the Windows 11 default language, follow the below steps:

  1. Open Settings. Go from Start button, or use Windows Key + I Key.
  2. Click Time & Language. Click the Clock Icon for Time and Language settings.
    Click Time & language 
  3. Click Language & Region. Click the world Icon with language symbols to open Language and Region settings.
    Click Language & region. 
  4. In the Language section, click the Add a language button for the Preferred languages setting.
    Click the Add a language button. 
  5. Search for the new language and select the desired language. Click Next.
    Note: Scroll through the list to find your desired language and region. You can search for the country's name to find the language.
  6. Check the box Set as my Windows display language and click Install.
    Note: Optionally, you could also check the required options under Optional language features.
  7. You see the alert Windows needs to sign you out in order to apply your new display language.
  8. Click the Sign out button and sign in to your user account to start using the new language.

You are now ready to use the new language. The display language changes will now reflect throughout the operating system, including the Sign-in screen, Settings app, File Explorer, Desktop, applications, browser so on.

Produits concernés

Alienware, Inspiron, Legacy Desktop Models, OptiPlex, Vostro, XPS, G Series, G Series, Alienware, Inspiron, Latitude, Vostro, XPS, Legacy Laptop Models
Propriétés de l’article
Numéro d’article: 000203574
Type d’article: How To
Dernière modification: 12 févr. 2025
Version:  3
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