This document provides instructions for viewing and managing company profile settings, sites, and contacts for three distinct user types: Company Administrators, Partner Administrators and General Users (Non-Company Administrators).
Managing your site and contact preferences are important to ensure proper security, and to also help Dell Technologies provide optimal service to you. This includes:
Company Administration within Online Support gives you a centralized view of company and contact information affiliated with your organization.
It provides users the ability to:
To access Company Administration, select Manage Company Information from the account menu on the upper right corner of the Homepage.
Alternatively, you can access Company Administration by selecting Dell Preferences and then the Show company administration link. For Non-Company Administrators, you will only be able to view information and the link will be Show company information.
There are 4 main tabs within Company Administration. Options may vary based upon the user privileges of Administrator vs Non-Administrator users.
The Company Profile Settings section guides Administrators on how to set Company Profile Type to take advantage of the Invite to Register capability for increased security, and to view a list of approved email domains for their company.
To invite users to a restricted company profile. Click “Invite User”.
Input the email address of the user to be invited. Company admins can invite users to register for a business account using email addresses from domains listed under ‘Associated Domains’ only.
After inputting the user email address click “Send”. A confirmation banner will appear if successfully sent to the user.
Invited user will have up to 15 days to complete registration before invitation expires.
Within this section, Administrators can learn how to view sites for their account, view and update preferences for sites (site visibility, dial home contacts, onsite contacts, CRU preferences and more), and manage contacts that have access to the site and how they obtain that access.
From the Manage Sites tab (accessible by Company Administrators or Partner Administrators) or View Sites (accessible by Non-Administrators), you will have the option to view the Company Sites and My Customers' Sites subtabs. Each of these respective subtabs is described below.
Click on an individual Site ID within the Company Sites list will display detailed settings for the site.
You can manage basic site preferences by the Overview subtab, product preferences by the Products subtab, and contacts for the site by the Contacts subtab.
The first subtab within Site Details is the Overview tab that includes the various site preferences.
Company Administrators can choose to control access to one, many, or all their organization’s sites by applying Site Visibility where appropriate. This is done on a per site basis by clicking on one of the Site IDs in the results grid of the Company Sites tab and selecting Edit.
As an alternative, the Access Group functionality can be used to provide a more powerful and flexible approach to managing your site security. To learn more, go to Company Administration - Create and Manage Access Groups.
A site can be defined as one of three distinct Security Levels:
NOTE: All third-party site relationships will retain access to the Site when changing a Site’s Visibility to Restricted or Blocked. Third-party access must be removed manually from the site by Company Administrators.
To edit the Site Visibility setting, the Company Administrator should:
Specify Site Dial Home Contacts (by Manage Sites or Company Sites or Site Details or Overview)
For autogenerated new case creation, Dial Home contacts are used by default for new case creation for self-diagnosis.
You can add Primary, Alternate and After Hours contact respectively for sites within your organization. After selecting Add Contact, you have the ability to search by First Name, Last Name and email address. Be sure to save your transaction before moving to another tab or your changes will be lost.
You can add a Primary and Secondary contact respectively for your organization. After selecting Add Contact, you will have the ability to search by First Name, Last Name and email address. Be sure to save your transaction before moving to another tab or your changes will be lost.
CRUs are specific assemblies, components, or individual parts of designated Dell Technologies equipment that a customer is authorized to self-replace. The CRU program allows customers to replace designated hardware components. In the event of a failure, the customer may replace a CRU by using Dell provided diagnostic tools and/or documentation. Assemblies or components not designated as CRU must be serviced or replaced by Dell or an authorized service partner.
For a list of the hardware components that are designated as CRU for a specific hardware system, go to the Dell Product Warranty & Maintenance Table.
Company Administrators can specify their CRU preference for any service activity involving CRU eligible parts by the Company Sites subtab under Manage Sites. Then select the individual Site ID link from the list of sites.
Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU) Settings:
If the Company Administrator declines to participate in the CRU program, the Onsite Scheduling Contact will be contacted by the Dell Technologies services team to schedule an onsite technician.
Note: Company Administrators will be unable to select CRU preferences for sites that are not supported by the CRU program. The CRU Preference column will display an N/A message to inform them when the program is not available in their region along with a tooltip offering additional information. Sites that are not supported will be supported by an in-country service delivery partner.
You can select an existing Site Address as the shipping address or enter a new address along with specifying a shipping contact.
The Products tab within Site Details will display all products at the site. Any asset-specific dial home contacts can be displayed.
Depending on your role, you can view or manage asset-specific roles that are related to your install base. Administrators can set dial home contacts when the contacts for an asset must be different than the default site level dial home contacts.
A user can click Show Contacts to view the list of asset-level contacts set for that specific asset. Asset level dial home contacts will be used as the primary contact if and when an automatic service request is created. This designation should only be used when the contact must be different than the site-level dial home contact.
A contact is required to have site level association before they can properly be defined as an asset-level contact. Site association can occur through automatic inheritance, Secured Site access for any Restricted or Blocked sites or be explicitly granted by third-party or Support Partner relationships.
Specific Administrator privileges are required to perform the following tasks:
• Company Administrators can add or remove product-level contact for any product within their organization unless a support partner is defined on the product.
A Non-Administrator user will not be able to perform any actions from this view.
The Sites tab will display subtabs for managing Internal Contacts and External Contacts.
When viewing the details for a specific site (Site Details), the Internal Contacts tab (within Contacts subtab) represents any Contacts belonging to the same organization to which the user belongs.
When a site has advanced Site Security levels applied (Restricted or Blocked), the Internal Contacts tab will display any standard Non-Administrator users from the same organization that were explicitly granted access to the secured site.
A Company Administrator can add internal Contacts from their own organization to sites set Restricted or Blocked site visibility.
To add an Internal Contact to a secured site, a Company Administrator should:
A Company Administrator can also remove internal contact relationships that were previously granted to sites set with Restricted or Blocked site visibility.
To remove an internal contact from a secured site, a Company Administrator should:
When viewing the details for a specific site, the Internal Contacts tab (within Contacts subtab) represents any contacts belonging to the same organization to which the user belongs.
When a Site’s Visibility level is set to Open, an Administrator will be presented with internal contacts information within the Internal Contacts tab. Within this view, Administrators can export the list of internal contacts for open sites by the download button option.
Please note the following:
When viewing the details for a specific site (Site Details) the External Contacts tab (within the Contacts subtab) represents contacts from outside the user’s organization who has been granted explicit access to the site. The most common example of such a site relationship is a third-party contact, a user from another company that has been granted access to the assets and service information for that site to provide support for the user’s organization.
Non-Company Administrator users can view, but not manage, contacts listed in this area.
Company Administrators can add or remove contacts in this area.
A Company Administrator can add or remove registered users from outside their organization to a site by the External Contacts tab (within the Contacts subtab). Typically this is seen as a third-party relationship. If the intended addition is not properly registered with Dell Technologies, they will not be available for association to the site.
The second subtab in the View/Manage Sites area is My Customers' Sites.
Any sites and products found under the My Customers' Sites tab have had access granted and approved from outside of the user’s company.
The users are granted access for one of the following reasons:
Note users who have third-party or Authorized Contact relationships cannot edit site security level or product level contacts.
Click the Site ID within the My Customers' Sites list will display detailed settings for the site.
The tabs in the Site Details area are:
The Products tab within Site Details will display all products properly under contract and related to the site that was selected.
Users without the Partner Administrator attribute will be unable to perform any actions from this view as the products within this tab are outside of their organization.
Depending on your role, you can view or manage asset-specific roles that are related to the Customers' Sites. Partner Administrators can set dial home contacts when the contacts for a specific asset must be different than the default site-level dial home contacts.
Specific Partner Administrator privileges are required to perform the following tasks:
When a Support Partner is defined on a product, only a Partner Administrator that is affiliated with the Support Partner can add or remove a Product Level Contact by the My Customers' Sites tab.
A Non-Administrator user will be unable to perform any actions from this view.
The External Contacts tab displays any Contacts from outside the organization that have been explicitly granted access to the selected site. These contacts include either:
Note: Support Partners have similar site associations that are determined by service contracts. All users associated to the Support Partner will automatically inherit that contractual relationship, so they will not be shown in the External Contacts tab.
You will be unable to perform any actions from this view such as the Add or Remove Contact functions regardless of your Administrator attribute level as the contacts are outside of your organization.
The View or Manage Contacts section within Company Administration displays all contacts within your organization that automatically inherit visibility to all sites for the organization set to the Open security level.
There are three subtabs within Contacts:
• Removing a contact:
Company Administrators can delete contacts within their own organization should they no longer require access. Doing so removes access across ALL Dell Technologies secured websites and applications (not just https:///, so this should be done only when the contact no longer needs such access, typically when they have permanently left the company.
To delete a contact that has left your organization (and no longer requires access to any Dell Technologies online applications including support, Partner Portal, Education, Licensing, so forth), a Company Administrator should:
View Site Relationships and Product Roles (by Manage Contacts or Contacts or Contact Details)
From the Manage Contacts area within Manage Contacts, Company and Partner Administrators can view the details of each internal contact within their organization by clicking the "Last Name" of the contact. Doing so will present the Administrator with the following details:
NOTE: Non-Administrators cannot explore details of other internal contacts to view the aforementioned details.
Company Administrators can delete a contact completely (Remove Contact), for example, if a contact is no longer working for the company. In addition, Company Administrators can promote and demote the Company Administrator attribute to any applicable contact within their organization.
Partner Administrators will also be able to promote and demote the Partner Administrator attribute in a similar fashion. If a user has both Company and Partner Administrator attributes, they can promote or demote based on both attributes' purpose.
Non-Administrator users cannot perform any actions from this view.
Access Group functionality provides a powerful and flexible approach for Company Administrators to manage site security. To learn more, go to Company Administration - Create and Manage Access Groups.
The View or Manage Approvals section in Company Administration presents a list of any pending site access requests related to the user’s inherited sites affiliated with their organization.
For a Non-Administrator (standard user), the area will display any pending requests they themselves requested or any they were submitted for (and are awaiting approval). They will not see any other pending requests that are related to their organization.
In order to see their pending requests, a Non-Administrator and Partner Administrator user should:
Company Administrators will be able to see and take action on (Approve or Deny) any request that are made for sites within their organization.
In order to manage requests, a Company Administrator should: