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How to Check if the HDD Password is Present Using Dell Tools

Résumé: The following article provides information about checking for Hard Disk Drive (hard drive) password present using the Dell Command Application.

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How can I tell if the hard drive has a password using Dell tools?


The following guide takes you through the command-line steps to carry this out using the Dell Command application installed on your computer.

Checking the hard drive Password using Dell Command:

Note: You cannot find out about hard drive password presence using Dell Command | Monitor but several other Dell Command applications do help to identify this. (Known previously as OpenManage Client Instrumentation (OMCI))

How to open a Command Prompt:

Press the Windows logo and the X keys together simultaneously to open the power user menu. Select Command Prompt with Admin from the list of options.

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider:

PS C:\temp> (dir dellsmbios:\security\hddinfo | select -ExpandProperty currentvalue).PwdProtected

PS C:\temp>

Dell Command | Configure (Using the Client Configuration Tool Kit (CCTK)) #1:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\Command Configure\X86_64>cctk --hddinfo
HDD Information in the current system.
Index : 0
HDD Name: Internal- SN: W3N0FRH7
Present: Yes
Pwd-Protected: No
Pending-Restart: No
Admin-only-change: No

Dell Command | Configure (Using the CCTK) #2:

(Hard drive Password is present)

C:\dell\DCC\X86_64>cctk --hddpwd=
The HDD 0 is password protected. Provide the password.


(No hard drive Password is present)

C:\dell\DCC\x86_64>cctk --hddpwd=
HDD password cannot be cleared as the HDD is not password protected.


When checking across your install base, you can include the response from these tools into scripts to check for the presence of a hard drive password.

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Produits concernés

Inspiron, Latitude, Vostro, XPS, Fixed Workstations, Dell Command | Configure, Dell Command | Powershell Provider
Propriétés de l’article
Numéro d’article: 000123172
Type d’article: How To
Dernière modification: 12 Nov 2024
Version:  6
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