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External Monitor Is Not Detected until the Display Output Mode Is Manually Selected Using a USB Type-C Dongle on Alienware X17/X15 R1

Résumé: The following article provides information about a problem with an external display. The monitor may not be detected, under certain graphics configurations.

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You may experience the following symptom when connecting to an external display:

  • The computer may not automatically detect the external monitor.

If you own an Alienware x15 R1, or Alienware x17 R1 laptop, and have set this configuration:

  • The laptop screen supports the Nvidia Dynamic Display Switch (DDS) feature.
  • You have entered the BIOS and enabled the Discrete Graphics Processing Unit (dGPU) mode.
  • The external Monitor is connected using the Thunderbolt port on the computer.


Enabling dGPU mode puts the integrated Intel graphics into power-saving mode. When the BIOS is set to use the discrete Nvidia graphics, monitor auto detection is disabled.


Note: The Intel Graphics are working as designed. Intel confirms this is a known hardware limitation when you hard set dedicated graphics only.


If you are looking to resolve this:



Produits concernés

Alienware x15 R1, Alienware x17 R1
Propriétés de l’article
Numéro d’article: 000188299
Type d’article: Solution
Dernière modification: 26 Nov 2024
Version:  6
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