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Dell: Catalog links for PowerEdge Servers

Résumé: PowerEdge Server catalogs are an aggregation of all Bundles and Dell Update Packages' metadata used by Dell OpenManage Repository Manager, Dell OpenManage Enterprise, and other tools for listing the current versions of software for respective servers and devices. ...

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DELL PowerEdge Server catalogs

DELL PowerEdge Server catalogs are an aggregation of all Bundles and Dell Update Packages' metadata carried for Dell PowerEdge servers.


How often are catalogs updated?

DELL PowerEdge Server catalogs are refreshed weekly on Monday.


What are the different catalog types?


Note: Dell PowerEdge 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Generation servers have reached end of support life, new catalogs do not carry content for these platforms.

Signature files: Each catalog also has an associated signature file with the same filename but with ".sha512.sign" concatenated to the end of the name. For instance:
LC catalog signature link:  



Produits concernés

Electronics & Accessories, PowerEdge, Software, Dell OpenManage Enterprise, Repository Manager
Propriétés de l’article
Numéro d’article: 000132986
Type d’article: How To
Dernière modification: 30 sept. 2024
Version:  15
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