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PowerEdge: How to Update a Dell PowerEdge Driver or Firmware Directly from the OS (Windows and Linux)

Résumé: This article explains how to perform a driver or firmware update directly from the operating system (OS) using a Dell Update Packages (DUP).

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Table of Contents

Download of Dell Update Packages
Windows Server example
Linux Server example


Using the Dell Update Packages (DUP) is a way to update the firmware or drivers of the entire system or individual system components. This article explains how to run these DUP directly from the Operating System (OS). The method described in this article is compatible with Windows Server OS (.exe files) and Linux Server OS (.bin files). For an OS other than these, we recommend using iDRAC firmware update feature for updating firmware not through the operating system.


The major advantage of using a DUP is that the system must not be offline to apply most updates.

Note: Updates to the BIOS require a reboot to complete. DUP enabled drives do not require a reboot as they are designed to allow for updating the drives while the system is still live.

Dell Update packages (DUP) are, depending on the system to be updated, provided for the following operating systems:

  • Windows Server operating systems [.EXE file needed]
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux [.BIN file needed]
  • SuSE Linux ES [.BIN file needed]
  • Ubuntu Server [.BIN file needed]
Note: Ensure that you are downloading the correct file type for the right OS. Linux OS uses .BIN files, Windows OS needs .EXE files and do NOT support .BIN files.

Download of DUPs

After identifying the hardware requiring updates, the appropriate DUP must be located and downloaded. The easiest way to complete this is as follows.

  1. Open Drivers & Downloads
  2. Enter the Service Tag of your server or browse all products to select the PowerEdge model
  3. On the Drivers & Downloads tab, ensure that the correct operating system for the server is selected
  4. Updates are arranged in categories which can be expanded to see the available updates
  5. Before downloading the firmware file, ensure that you are getting the correct file type presented (OS specific). To ensure you are, click View full driver details on the bottom right of the enrolled update. Select the correct file.
  6. Select the component DUP needed and download the package
  7. Once the relevant DUP has been transferred to the system, they can be run by double-clicking the downloaded files and following the below steps.

Windows example

  1. Double-click the DUP file downloaded above on the host system.
  2. Read over the release information in the dialog window.
  3. Download and install any prerequisites identified in the dialog window before proceeding.
  4. Click the Install. button.
  5. Follow the remaining prompts to perform the update.

Linux example

  1. On the host system, read over the release information by running the ./[file_name].BIN --version command from the shell.
  2. Download and install any prerequisites identified in the above step before proceeding.
  3. Run the update by running ./[file_name].BIN from the shell.
  4. Follow the remaining prompts to perform the update.


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Propriétés de l’article
Numéro d’article: 000130467
Type d’article: How To
Dernière modification: 30 oct. 2024
Version:  14
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