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How to Run WSDeactivate on Dell Encryption Enterprise

Résumé: WSDeactivate can be run on Dell Encryption Enterprise (formerly Dell Data Protection Enterprise Edition) by following these instructions.

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This article provides instructions how to run WSDeactivate on Dell Encryption Enterprise (formerly Dell Data Protection | Enterprise Edition).

Affected Products:

  • Dell Encryption Enterprise
  • Dell Data Protection | Enterprise Edition

Affected Operating Systems:

  • Windows

Acquire WSDeactivate by contacting support, then Run it. For more information, click the appropriate process.


  1. Contact Dell Data Security support to request WSDeactivate.
    Note: For more information about how to contact Dell Data Security support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
  2. Upon receipt, right-click the file that is provided by support and then select Extract All.
  3. Right-click and then select Extract All.
    Extract All
  4. The extracted folder contains WSDeactivate.
    Extracted WSDeactivate


WSDeactivate can be run using either the user interface (UI) or command-line interface (CLI). For more information, click the appropriate method.

  1. Open the WSDeactivate folder.
    WSDeactivate folder
  2. Double-click the appropriate version of WSDeactivate.
    Double-clicking WSDeactivate
    Note: The bit rate of the utility must match the architecture of the operating system.
    • WSDeactivate_x64 - 64-bit version
    • WSDeactivate_x86 - 32-bit version
  3. From the WSDeactivator window, click Run.
  4. The Vault Remover window is displayed. Click OK. The computer reboots.
    Reboot prompt
  1. Right-click the Windows start menu and then select Run.
  2. In the Run user interface (UI), type cmd and then press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to run the Command Prompt as an administrator.
    Run UI
  3. If User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, click Yes.
    User Account Control prompt
  4. From Command Prompt, run WSDeactivate with the wanted parameters.
    WSDeactivate with parameters


The following table displays the parameters available for WSDeactivate.

Parameters Meaning
–s Runs the utility silently, suppressing run and reboot confirmation prompts
–n No reboot, suppressing reboot after deactivation

CLI Examples:

Example #1:
WSDeactivate_x64 -s

Example #1 contains:

  • Bit: x64
  • Silent install = Yes
  • Reboot = Yes
Example #2:
WSDeactivate_x86 -s -n

Example #2 contains:

  • Bit: x32
  • Silent install = Yes
  • Reboot = No

Other resources: Dell Encryption Documentation - Dell Encryption WSDeactivate Usage Guide

To contact support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
Go to TechDirect to generate a technical support request online.
For additional insights and resources, join the Dell Security Community Forum.

Produits concernés

Dell Encryption
Propriétés de l’article
Numéro d’article: 000126182
Type d’article: How To
Dernière modification: 18 déc. 2024
Version:  12
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