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Dell SP3022 Speakerphone Missing from Audio Devices After Resuming from Standby or Hibernate

Yhteenveto: Customer may find the Dell SP3022 Speakerphone appears to be turned off, not responding, or may be missing from the audio devices in the Windows setup screen.

Tämä artikkeli on saatettu kääntää automaattisesti. Jos sinulla on palautetta sen laadusta, ilmoita siitä meille käyttämällä tämän sivun alareunassa olevaa lomaketta.

Artikkelin sisältö


Affected Products:

  • Dell SP3022 Speakerphone

Affected Versions:

  • FW 1.1.5


During modern standby, the SP3022 is turned off and periodically scans for USB wake when computer wakes up from standby. The device can sometimes miss the USB wake command and does not wake up.

Speakerphone appears powered off and not responding
Figure 1: The speakerphone appears turned off and not responding

In the device manager, there maybe an instance of USB Device descriptor failed;

Device Manager
Figure 2: (English Only) Device Manager



  • Download and upgrade Speakerphone firmware 1.17.4 to fix the issue:

Dell Speakerphone SP3022 Firmware Update Utility
Figure 3: (English Only) Dell Speakerphone SP3022 Firmware Update Utility

  • Perform a hot plug (unplug the USB, wait 3sec, and plug again).
  • Alternative, perform a power cycle.

Artikkelin ominaisuudet

Tuote, johon asia vaikuttaa

Dell Speakerphone - SP3022

Edellinen julkaisupäivä

14 maalisk. 2024



Artikkelin tyyppi
