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Disable Express Charge on Alienware Systems and Improve Battery Life

Yhteenveto: Express Charge allows you to charge your system battery much faster but this may reduce the lifetime of the battery. Read on for full steps.

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Artikkelin sisältö



Disable Express Charge on Alienware Systems and Improve Battery Life




Supported Systems:

  Alienware 17 R3   Alienware 15 R2   Alienware 13 R2
  Alienware 17 R2   Alienware 15   Alienware 13

Some Alienware laptops have the Express Charge feature enabled from factory.

Express Charge allows you to charge your system battery much faster but this may reduce the lifetime of the battery

Disable Express Charge

  1. Turn on your system
  2. Tap the F2 key as the system turns on
  3. You will access the system setup utility
  4. Click the Advanced tab
  5. Highlight Express Charge
  6. Press Enter, select Disable and press Enter again.
  7. Press F10 and select Yes


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Artikkelin ominaisuudet

Tuote, johon asia vaikuttaa

Alienware 13, Alienware 13 R2, Alienware 15, Alienware 15 R2, Alienware 17 R2, Alienware 17 R3

Edellinen julkaisupäivä

21 helmik. 2021



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