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How to Configure the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) When It's Greyed Out in BIOS on a Latitude 7350

Yhteenveto: This article describes a TPM issue for the Latitude 7350 where the enable option for the TPM is greyed out in the BIOS.

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Artikkelin sisältö


This article describes a TPM issue for the Latitude 7350 where the enable option for the TPM is greyed out in the BIOS.

Example of what this issue looks like in the BIOS:

SLN302676_en_US__1Grey TPM Lat 7350 1


This is expected behavior, Intel Platform Trust Technology (PTT) is enabled by default on the Latitude 7350 which causes the "TPM Security" option to be disabled, since both TPM and PTT cannot be enabled at the same time.

SLN302676_en_US__2Grey TPM Lat 7350 2


Steps to Disable PTT in the BIOS to Enable TPM Security:

  1. Tap the F2 key when the Dell logo appears to enter the BIOS
  2. Expand the "Security" section, click "PTT Security", and deselect Intel Platform Trust Technology
    NOTE: If PTT is greyed out as well, re-enable PTT by disabling Intel Trusted Execution under Virtualization Support.

    SLN302676_en_US__3Grey TPM Lat 7350 4

  • Click Apply and Exit to reboot
  • On reboot, tap the F2 key when the Dell logo appears to re-enter the BIOS
  • Expand the "Security" section, click "TPM Security", and select TPM Security
  • Click Apply and Exit to reboot into the Operating System and enable BitLocker


Artikkelin ominaisuudet

Tuote, johon asia vaikuttaa

Latitude 7350 2-in-1 (End of Life)

Edellinen julkaisupäivä

02 tammik. 2024



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