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How to Use BitLocker with PIN

Yhteenveto: Steps to set up a PIN with Bitlocker.

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Artikkelin sisältö


  1. Boot into BIOS (Setup menu) and confirm the system is in UEFI mode – TPM is activated.
    • Under Post Behavior, confirm that Fastboot mode is set to Thorough.
  2. Boot into the operating system. Set up BitLocker on the desired drive and reboot to begin the encryption.
    • This will not allow for a PIN – You need to set BitLocker on this system prior to changing the group policy to create the PIN.
  3. Upon Reboot , open up gpedit.msc. This will bring up your group policy options.
    • Navigate to Computer Configuration ; Administrative Templates ; Windows Components ; BitLocker Drive Encryption ; Operating System Drives.
      • In the right pane – double click on Require additional authentication at startup and a popup box will open.
        1. Make sure the Enabled option is chosen so that all the other options will be active.
        2. Uncheck the box for Allow BitLocker without a compatible TPM.
        3. For the choice of Configure TPM startup, choose Allow TPM.
        4. For the choice of Configure TPM startup PIN:, choose Require startup PIN with TPM.
        5. For the choice of Configure TPM startup key:, choose Allow startup key with TPM.
        6. For the choice of Configure TPM startup key and PIN:, choose Allow startup key and PIN with TPM.
        7. Click on the Apply button and then the OK button to save the changes in the Local Group Policy Editor.
  4. Stay under the BitLocker Drive Encryption > Operating System Drives.
    • In the right pane – double click on Enable use of BitLocker Authentication requiring preboot keyboard input on slates.
      1. Make sure the Enabled option is chosen to activate.
      2. Click on the Apply button and then the OK button to save the changes in the Local Group Policy Editor.
  5. Reboot the system once more.
  6. Launch an Admin Command Prompt (Elevated Command Prompt).
    1. Excluding the quotation marks, enter the command manage-bde -protectors -add c: -TPMAndPIN.
    2. You will be prompted to enter the PIN. Enter a number between four and seven digits. The cursor will not register the keystrokes as you enter the number.
    3. Hit the Enter key to save the PIN, and you will be prompted to enter the PIN again to confirm. Hit the Enter key again to save the PIN confirmation – It will run through the commands showing it as saved.
  7. Reboot the system once more and it will prompt for a PIN with the Slate Keyboard.

BitLocker will prompt for PIN on each reboot after this is completed.


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