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How to Setup and Schedule Netskope Reports

Yhteenveto: Learn how to create and schedule Netskope reports by following these instructions.

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This article provides the steps for creating and scheduling reports for Netskope.

Affected Products:

  • Netskope

  1. In a web browser, go to the Netskope web console:
    • United States Datacenter: https://[TENANT]
    • European Union Datacenter: https://[TENANT]
    • Frankfurt Datacenter: https://[TENANT]
    Note: [TENANT] = The tenant name in your environment
  2. Log in to the Netskope web console.
    Netskope web console
  3. Click Reports.
  4. Click Template Library.
    Template Library
  5. Select the appropriate template and then click USE TEMPLATE.
    Use Template
  6. Optionally, click Add Widget to add widgets to the report. Once finished, click Next.
    Add Widget
  7. From the Create Schedule menu:
    1. Select a Frequency of how often you would like the report to run.
    2. Select a Time to run the report.
    3. Populate Notify Users email addresses.
    4. Optionally, select Include PDF Run as attachment.
    5. Click Create.

    Create Schedule menu
  8. Click Done.

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Artikkelin ominaisuudet
Artikkelin numero: 000130775
Artikkelin tyyppi: How To
Viimeksi muutettu: 04 marrask. 2024
Versio:  11
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