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How to Identify the Dell Encryption External Media Version

Yhteenveto: The version of Dell Encryption External Media and Dell Data Protection External Media Edition may be identified by following these instructions.

Tämä artikkeli koskee tuotetta Tämä artikkeli ei koske tuotetta Tämä artikkeli ei liity tiettyyn tuotteeseen. Tässä artikkelissa ei yksilöidä kaikkia tuoteversioita.



Knowing the version of Dell Encryption External Media (formerly Dell Data Protection | External Media Edition) that was used to protect an external storage device helps to:

  • Identify known issues.
  • Determine UI differences.
  • Understand workflow changes.
  • Verify system requirements.

Affected Products:

  • Dell Encryption External Media
  • Dell Data Protection | External Media Edition

Affected Operating Systems:

  • Windows
  • Mac


Not applicable


Windows and Mac binaries are added to any external storage device protected by Dell Encryption External Media. To determine the version, click Windows or Mac for more information.

To identify the product version on Windows:

  1. Log in to the Windows computer.
  2. Go to the location of the protected media.
  3. Right-click AccessEncryptedFiles.exe and then select Properties.


  1. Click the Details tab.


  1. Document the Product version.

Product version


To identify the product version on Mac:

  1. Log in to the Mac computer.
  2. Go to the location of the protected media.
  3. Double-click AccessEncryptedFiles.dmg to mount the disk image.


Note: AccessEncryptedFiles.dmg is suppressed if the device has already authenticated through the EMS service. To resolve, remount the external media and then cancel the authentication request prompt.
  1. Right-click AccessEncryptionExternalMedia and then select Get Info.

Get Info

Note: Earlier versions of the product say AccessDellExternalMediaShield instead of AccessEncryptionExternaledia.
  1. Expand General and then document the Version. In the example, 8.17.0 is the Version.


  • The Version of your client may differ from the above screenshot.

To contact support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
Go to TechDirect to generate a technical support request online.
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Tuotteet, joihin vaikutus kohdistuu

Dell Encryption
Artikkelin ominaisuudet
Artikkelin numero: 000124924
Artikkelin tyyppi: Solution
Viimeksi muutettu: 16 elok. 2023
Versio:  16
Etsi vastauksia kysymyksiisi muilta Dell-käyttäjiltä
Tarkista, kuuluuko laitteesi tukipalveluiden piiriin.