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How to Identify the Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise Version

Yhteenveto: The version of Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise may be identified by following these instructions.

Tämä artikkeli on saatettu kääntää automaattisesti. Jos sinulla on palautetta sen laadusta, ilmoita siitä meille käyttämällä tämän sivun alareunassa olevaa lomaketta.

Artikkelin sisältö



Knowing the Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise version lets you:

  • Identify known issues
  • Determine UI differences
  • Understand workflow changes
  • System Requirements

Affected Products:

  • Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise

Affected Versions:

  • v1.0 and later

Affected Operating Systems:

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux


Not applicable


Click Windows, Mac, or Linux for version information.


Versions can be determined either through the:

Click the appropriate method for more information.


Note: Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise must be installed before identifying the version through the UI. For more information, reference How to Install Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Windows.
  1. On the desktop, double-click the DDP Console icon.

DDP Console

  1. Click the Advanced Threat Protection tile.

Advanced Threat Protection tile

  1. In the bottom-left corner of the UI, document the Version.


  • The most important number is the third number. In the example, the third number is 1371.
  • The Version in the example may differ in your environment.


Note: For information about downloading the installer, reference How to Download Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise.
  1. Extract the ATP component from the master suite.
  1. Go to the location of the extracted ATP component.
    • If extracted from DDSSuite.exe:
      • [EXTRACTION PATH]\ Advanced Threat Prevention\WinNtAll\ATP_AgentSetup.exe
    • If extracted from DDPSuite.exe:
      • 64 bit: [EXTRACTION PATH]\ Advanced Threat Protection\Win64R\AdvancedThreatProtectionAgentSetup.exe
      • 32 bit: [EXTRACTION PATH]\ Advanced Threat Protection\WinNtR\AdvancedThreatProtectionAgentSetup.exe

Extracted ATP component

Note: [EXTRACTION PATH] is based on the directory that is chosen by the end user. In the screenshot, C:\Extracted is the [EXTRACTION PATH].
  1. Right-click the ATP Component (ATP_AgentSetup or AdvancedThreatProtectionAgentSetup) and then select Properties.


  1. Click the Details tab.


  1. Document the number under Product Name.

Product name

  • The most important number is the third number. In the example, the third number is 1441.
  • The version in the example may differ in your environment.


Note: Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise must be installed before identifying the version through the UI. For more information, reference How to Install Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Mac.
  1. In the Status Menu (at the top of the screen), right-click the Dell Data Protection | Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise icon and then select About.


  1. Document the Version.


  • The most important number is the third number. In the example, the third number is 1411.
  • The Version in the example may differ in your environment.


Note: Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise must be installed before identifying the version. For more information, reference How to Install Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Linux.
  1. On the targeted endpoint, open Terminal.


  1. In Terminal, type atp –v and then press Enter.


  1. Document the version.
  • The most important number is the third number. In the example, the third number is 1471.
  • The version in the example may differ in your environment.

To contact support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
Go to TechDirect to generate a technical support request online.
For additional insights and resources, join the Dell Security Community Forum.





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Tuote, johon asia vaikuttaa

Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise

Edellinen julkaisupäivä

26 lokak. 2023



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