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How to Uninstall Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Linux

Yhteenveto: Learn how to uninstall Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Linux by following these instructions.

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Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Linux may require uninstallation to:

  • Fix licensing discrepancies
  • Troubleshoot the product
  • Address operating system incompatibility

This article covers the steps to uninstall the product.

Affected Products:

  • Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Linux

Affected Versions:

  • 1.0.0 and later

Affected Operating Systems:

  • Linux

The uninstallation process for Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Linux is handled by using command line.

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. In Terminal, type sudo tar –xvf '/FilePathA/DellESSE.tar.gz' –C /FilePathB and then press Enter.
    • In the above example:
      • FilePathA is the path where the tar.gz exists.
        • FilePathA example = /home/admin/Desktop/Downloads/
      • FilePathB is the path where the tar.gz is being extracted to.
        • FilePathB example = /home/admin/Desktop/ESSE
    • Commands are case-sensitive.
    • The example paths may differ in your environment.
  3. Type sudo 'FilePathB/' from the extracted installer package into Terminal and then press Enter.
  4. Populate the password for the account that is in use and then press Enter.
  5. Once uninstallation is complete, type exit and then press Enter.

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Tuotteet, joihin vaikutus kohdistuu

Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise
Artikkelin ominaisuudet
Artikkelin numero: 000123798
Artikkelin tyyppi: How To
Viimeksi muutettu: 04 marrask. 2024
Versio:  13
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