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Obtaining the Driver Pack File for Operating System Deployment to Latitude, OptiPlex and Precision Workstation Systems

Resumen: This article provides information about Utilizing .exe files when deploying operating system images with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM).

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Driver Pack Files and How They Are Utilized:

A Driver Pack(.exe) File is a compressed file that contains other distribution files, such as drivers and system files. Typically, you use the Dell Driver Pack file using the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) to deploy Windows operating system images to several client computers. There are two sources for obtaining the driver pack file for operating system deployment to Latitude, OptiPlex and Precision Workstations. Follow the instructions below to obtain these files.

Current Driver Pack files are available for Dell client computers running Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Note: You may have other reasons for wanting to obtain the proper Driver Pack file besides imaging. Using the steps provided allows access to the files compressed within.

Step By Step Directions For Obtaining And Working With Driver Pack Files

Obtaining the Driver Pack Files:

  1. Download the driver Driver Pack file from the Dell Command | Deploy Driver Packs for Enterprise Client Operating System Deployment:
  2. Download the driver Driver Pack file from the Dell Support Website:
    1. Enter a Dell Service Tag, Dell Product ID, or Model.
    2. Select the desired Operating System.
    3. Filter the Category filed and Select Systems Management.
    4. Scroll through the list and click the Tittle Dell Command Deploy Driver Pack containing .exe file and ensure that the Driver Pack file is saved to the appropriate location.

Creating a Windows 10 image for a Latitude 5531 using System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), (as a reference):

Note: A working knowledge of SCCM is required for these instructions.
  1. Download the Driver Pack file from either the Dell Command | Deploy Driver Pack Homepage or from the Dell Support Website (Drivers & Downloads site for the Latitude 5531).
  2. Extract the Driver Pack file using your favorite extracting utility
    Note: That the contents of the file can be viewed in Windows Explorer).
  3. Using SCCM Console, create a new driver package under the category of Operating System Deployment by copying and pasting the directory path for the driver package source into the console.
  4. Go to the Windows 10 Deployment Task Sequence Editor and add a task to apply the driver package.
    • Add a condition to the task which runs a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Query to verify the computer being imaged is a Latitude 5531.
  5. Test and deploy the image using the task sequence that was created.

Productos afectados

OptiPlex, Latitude, Fixed Workstations, Mobile Workstations
Propiedades del artículo
Número del artículo: 000131045
Tipo de artículo: How To
Última modificación: 08 ene 2025
Versión:  8
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