If you have a lot of people, you can add their accounts all at once from an Excel spreadsheet or some other file that is saved in the .CSV format.
Important Note:
Access the
sample spreadsheet template
or follow the process below to download the template in Microsoft Online Portal.
Add multiple users to Office 365 in the Microsoft Online Portal
Sign in to the Microsoft Online Portal
Select Users > Active users.
In the More drop-down, choose Import multiple users.
On the Import multiple users panel, you can optionally download a sample CSV file with or without sample data filled in.
Your spreadsheet needs to include the exact same column headings as the sample one (Username, First Name, etc.). If you use the template, open it in a text editing tool, like Excel and consider leaving all the data in row 1 alone, and enter the data only in rows 2 and below. Your spreadsheet needs to include values for the username (like bob@contoso.com) and a display name (like Bob Kelly) for each user. |
Enter a file path into the box, or click Browse to browse to the CSV file location, then choose Verify. If there are issues with the file, the issue is displayed in the panel. You can also download a log file.
On the Set user options dialog, you can set the sign-in status and choose the product license that is assigned to all users.
On the View your result dialog you can choose to send the results to either yourself or other users (passwords are in plain text), and you can see how many users were created, and if you need to purchase more licenses to assign to some of the new users.
Additional Resource: