How to Add or Modify Office 365 Subscription Licenses
Resumen:This article describes the process for adding or modifying Office 365 licenses.
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This article applies to Microsoft 365 subscriptions acquired via the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program from Dell. This excludes Microsoft 365 consumer products, such as Microsoft 365 Personal, Family, or licenses purchased along with a new Dell system.
This article does not apply to Microsoft 365 subscriptions acquired through a channel partner.
Go to Store > Add subscribersto a New or Existing Service Plan to open the Buy Additional Resources page.
Select the subscription name you would like to upgrade or downgrade and select Next.
Note: If an ineligible subscription is selected, an error message will be displayed.
Identify the Office 365 product/licenses to modify, and adjust the number of licenses in the New Limit column. Then, select Next.
Note: The number of licenses you currently have and are in use is displayed in the Current Usage/Limit column. Multiple licenses can be upgraded and downgraded from within the same order.
Review the order information and confirm that the correct payment method (if relevant) is selected, then select Place Order.
Note: If you are downgrading your subscription, any eligible refund amounts for the current billing period will be displayed.
Once the selected order is placed, an email will be sent to the selected email address confirming the changes made. A separate email will also be sent detailing the new charges or changes to your account.
Productos afectados
Microsoft 365 from Dell
Microsoft 365 from Dell
Propiedades del artículo
Número del artículo: 000184219
Tipo de artículo: How To
Última modificación: 10 may. 2024
Versión: 9
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Propiedades del artículo
Número del artículo: 000184219
Tipo de artículo: How To
Última modificación: 10 may. 2024
Versión: 9
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